José Cláudio Faria
2004-Aug-06 11:16 UTC
[R] Script editors: Tinn-R as a new option under windows
Tinn-R The Tinn is an editor in development with the Delphi 5 of the Borland, addressed to programmers, of free code under GPL (GNU Public License), developed under the operational system Windows. The Tinn-R version contains enhancements to allow syntax highlighting of S language (in *.R, *.r, *.Q or *.q files), that is the language used by the free statistical environment R ( It also pops up an additional menu and toolbar when it detects either Rgui, or SciViews-R (see running on the same computer (see Tinn-R.pdf atacched). These add-ons interact with the R console and allow it to submit a code in part or in whole and to control R directly. So far the adaptation was tested on Windows XP (used in development) Windows 95/98 and 2000. Tinn-R is small, free, simple and efficient. It replaces the basic code editor which is provided by Rgui or SciViews-R. The distributed zip file (Tinn-R version must be unzipped first. It contains a 'ReadMe.pdf' file that explains how to use Tinn-R in details, as well as a couple of example scripts in addition to 'Tinn-R.exe'. There is file to install for Tinn-R. The whole program is contained in a small 'Tinn-R.exe' file (1.5 Mb). Just place this file where you want to on your computer disk and run it from there... that's all! Source code of the program is available upon request. A page for Tinn-R to download is on the SciViews Web Site at and an entry in in the section 'IDE/script Editors'. Best regards, Jos侀 Cl佱udio Faria UESC/DCET Brasil 73-634.2779 joseclaudio.faria at jc_faria at