Peter Ruckdeschel
2009-Apr-20 22:06 UTC
[R] [R-pkgs] New versions for the distr-family of packages
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New versions released for the distr family of package ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We would like to announce the availability on CRAN (with possibly a minor delay until on every mirror) of new versions of our packages in the "distr"-family (version 2.1), i.e.; "distr", "distrEx", "distrSim", "distrTEst", "distrDoc", "distrMod", and "distrTeach", as well as our supporting package "startupmsg" and the new (supporting) package "SweaveListingUtils". [all of them require R >= 2.6.0] For details, please also refer to the NEWS file of the corresponding package, accessible via NEWS("<pkgname>") [after require(<pkgname>)] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Devel versions on r-forge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Development of these packages is done under r-forge project /distr/: If you find this project interesting and would like to collaborate, you are warmly welcome. You may find more information on how to collaborate under We look forward to receiving questions, comments and suggestions Peter Ruckdeschel Matthias Kohl Below you find a list of major improvements in version 2.1: %--------------------------------------------- SweaveListingUtils: %--------------------------------------------- + a new package devoted to joining markup provided by TeX package 'listings' with Sweave; + also covers inclusion of code sniplets from an url (notably r-forge) in order to ease consistency of documentation with code that is being developed. see also ?lstinputSourceFromRForge and vignette "ExampleSweaveListingUtils" %--------------------------------------------- distr %--------------------------------------------- COMPOUND DISTRIBUTIONS + new support of compound distributions, see ?CompoundDistribution, class?CompoundDistribution ENHANCED ACCURACY + by log scale Following Peter Dalgaard's hint we use the log.p argument to be able to simulate accurately from the far out tails. + refined collapsing technique for DiscreteDistribution + more frequent use of FFT for convolution by better treatment of joint lattices AUTOMATIC GENERATION OF IMAGE DISTRIBUTION + slot r is now /much/ faster / slimmer for results of *,/,^ + slot d for results of *,/, exp() now is correct at 0 by extrapolation COMFORT METHODS + getLow/getUp methods (for "reasonable" endpoints for distributions with possibly unbounded support) for *DiscreteDistribution, *AbscontDistribution, *UnivarLebDecDistribution, *UnivarMixingDistribution + q.r, p.l (methods for right continuous quantile function and left continuous cdf) for * DiscreteDistribution * AbscontDistribution (takes care of constancy regions in p) * UnivarLebDecDistribution * UnivarMixingDistribution + prob methods (returning vectors/matrices of probabilities of support) + DiscreteDistribution + UnivarLebDecDistribution (conditional/unconditional) +,, p.discrete, d.discrete methods (for UnivarLebDecDistribution) now conditional/unconditional %--------------------------------------------- distrEx %--------------------------------------------- FUNCTIONALS + expectation gains explicit arguments to set accuracy locally; + median and IQR are now defined for UnivariateCondDistribution + cross-checked (and bug-fixed) particular functionals against general implementations DISTRIBUTIONS + gains distribution Pareto; ported from pkg actuar by Nataliya Horbenko DISTANCES: + introduces distances asymmetric total variation distances *OAsymTotalVarDist *AsymTotalVarDist + TotalVarDist and HellingerDist gain extra arguments to better control the integration range and exactness %--------------------------------------------- distrMod %--------------------------------------------- MODELS + added mad.const to guarantee for mad-consistency in location scale model for general central distribution TRAFO + fixed some inconsistencies with slot trafo: now when trafo is a function, we try to keep it as a function under moves of the parametric model + trafo.fct() to access the "function" aspect of trafo + trafoEst() transforming an estimator of class "estimate" consistently by a "trafo" function ESTIMATION + enhanced Covariance calculation for CvMDist-MDE + modified output in show - Confint-class %--------------------------------------------- PLOTTING %--------------------------------------------- + enhanced automatic plotting range selection for distributions + ylim can now be matrix-valued giving panel-individual values + selection of panels to be plot by argument to.draw.arg + L2ParamFamily plot in distrMod is now as flexible as plot-methods in pkg distr + more flexible panel axis annotation %--------------------------------------------- DOCUMENTATION: %--------------------------------------------- + updated large vignette "distr" in distrDoc + updated vignette "ExampleSweaveListingUtils" in pkg SweaveListingUtils + updated vignette "How to generate new distributions in packages distr, distrEx" in pkg distr + new section "Extension packages" in package-help to package distr, see ?distr %--------------------------------------------- LICENSE: %--------------------------------------------- - switched over to LGPL-3 _______________________________________________ R-packages mailing list R-packages at