markleeds at
2009-Mar-31 23:15 UTC
[R] error when going through Alan Lenarcic's package Tutorial
Hi Everyone: I've been going through Alan Lenarcic's package tutorial but when I did R CMD SHLIB -o Xdemo.dll I got the following error: XDemo_res.rc:15:38: warning: missing terminating " character XDemo_res.rc:23:34: warning: missing terminating ' character c:\mark\research\Rtools\MinGW\bin\windres.exe: XDemo_res.rc:16: syntax error make: *** [XDemo_res.o] Error 1 The XDemo_res.rc file is below but I can't tell from that what the error might be ?? His tutorial? was constructed in 2007 so maybe something has changed slightly which is causing the problem ? I realize that this is a pretty undetailed? description so? if anyone is interested in helping me, I can send the DESCRIPTION file and NAMESPACE file? or the link to his package tutorial etc. ? I'm using R 2.8.1 on windows. Oh, also , if anyone does respond, I won't be able to respond back till after 11pm US ? Eastern Time. Thanks a lot. #include <windows.h> #include "Rversion.h" VS_VERSION_INFO VERSIONINFO FILEVERSION R_FILEVERSION PRODUCTVERSION 3,0,0,0 FILEFLAGSMASK 0x3L FILEOS VOS__WINDOWS32 FILETYPE VFT_APP BEGIN ? ? ? BLOCK "StringFileInfo" ? ? ? BEGIN ? ? ? ? ? ? ? BLOCK "040904E4" ? ? ? ? ? ? ? BEGIN ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? VALUE "FileDescription", "DLL for R package `test Version: 0.0 Date: 2009-03-31 Title: Test Package Author: Mark Leeds <[1]markleeds at> Maintainer: Mark Leeds <[2]markleeds at> Depends: R (>= 2.8.1) Description: A set of demonstration functions using C, C++, R-code License: GPL (version 2 or later)'\0" ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? VALUE "FileVersion", "unknown\0" ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? VALUE "Compiled under R Version", R_MAJOR "." R_MINOR " (" R_YEAR "-" R_MONTH "-" R_DAY ")\0" ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? VALUE "Project info", "[3]\0" ? ? ? ? ? ? ? END ? ? ? END ? ? ? BLOCK "VarFileInfo" ? ? ? BEGIN ? ? ? ? ? ? ? VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1252 ? ? ? END END References 1. mailto:markleeds at 2. mailto:markleeds at 3.\0/
markleeds at
2009-Mar-31 23:24 UTC
[R] error when going through Alan Lenarcic's package Tutorial
apologies for my screwed up send. it looks really funked when I read it so? my mail settings? must be messed up. I'll resend it later? tonight from a different computer. On Mar 31, 2009, markleeds at wrote: Hi Everyone: I've been going through Alan Lenarcic's package tutorial but when I did R CMD SHLIB -o Xdemo.dll I got the following error: XDemo_res.rc:15:38: warning: missing terminating " character XDemo_res.rc:23:34: warning: missing terminating ' character c:\mark\research\Rtools\MinGW\bin\windres.exe: XDemo_res.rc:16: syntax error make: *** [XDemo_res.o] Error 1 The XDemo_res.rc file is below but I can't tell from that what the error might be ?? His tutorial? was constructed in 2007 so maybe something has changed slightly which is causing the problem ? I realize that this is a pretty undetailed? description so? if anyone is interested in helping me, I can send the DESCRIPTION file and NAMESPACE file? or the link to his package tutorial etc. ? I'm using R 2.8.1 on windows. Oh, also , if anyone does respond, I won't be able to respond back till after 11pm US ? Eastern Time. Thanks a lot. #include <windows.h> #include "Rversion.h" VS_VERSION_INFO VERSIONINFO FILEVERSION R_FILEVERSION PRODUCTVERSION 3,0,0,0 FILEFLAGSMASK 0x3L FILEOS VOS__WINDOWS32 FILETYPE VFT_APP BEGIN ? ? ? BLOCK "StringFileInfo" ? ? ? BEGIN ? ? ? ? ? ? ? BLOCK "040904E4" ? ? ? ? ? ? ? BEGIN ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? VALUE "FileDescription", "DLL for R package `test Version: 0.0 Date: 2009-03-31 Title: Test Package Author: Mark Leeds <[1][1]markleeds at> Maintainer: Mark Leeds <[2][2]markleeds at> Depends: R (>= 2.8.1) Description: A set of demonstration functions using C, C++, R-code License: GPL (version 2 or later)'\0" ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? VALUE "FileVersion", "unknown\0" ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? VALUE "Compiled under R Version", R_MAJOR "." R_MINOR " (" R_YEAR "-" R_MONTH "-" R_DAY ")\0" ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? VALUE "Project info", "[3][3]\0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? END ? ? ? END ? ? ? BLOCK "VarFileInfo" ? ? ? BEGIN ? ? ? ? ? ? ? VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1252 ? ? ? END END References 1. mailto:[4]markleeds at 2. mailto:[5]markleeds at 3. [6]\0/ ______________________________________________ [7]R-help at mailing list [8] PLEASE do read the posting guide [9] and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. References 1. mailto:markleeds at 2. mailto:markleeds at 3.\0/ 4. mailto:markleeds at 5. mailto:markleeds at 6.\0/ 7. mailto:R-help at 8. 9.