Huan-Kai Tseng
2009-Mar-14 22:39 UTC
[R] [multi-level model] set up categorical variable/indicator?
Hi everyone, I'm working on a multi-level model based on one of the "radon" example from Gelman & Hill's book ( ). I add an "region" indicator (has numeric values from 1 to 5) as the varying intercept in my model (I use "county" data in Minnesota [MN] as my county-level indicator and interact it with "basement"(bsmt)) and write my model in Winbugs as: model{ for (i in 1:n){ y[i] ~ dnorm(y.hat[i], tau.y) y.hat[i] <- alpha[region[i]] + beta[county[i]]*bsmt[i] } for (j in 1:J){ alpha[j] ~ dnorm(mu.alpha[j], tau.alpha) } for (k in 1:K){ beta[k] ~ dnorm(mu.beta[k], tau.beta) } mu.y ~ dnorm(0, .0001) tau.y <- pow(sigma.y, -2) sigma.y ~ dunif(0, 100) mu.alpha ~ dnorm(0, .0001) mu.beta ~ dnorm(0, .0001) tau.alpha <- pow(sigma.alpha, -2) sigma.alpha ~ dunif (0, 100) tau.beta <- pow(sigma.beta, -2) sigma.beta ~ dunif(0, 100) } but my Bugs crashed because it couldn't read "region" data, and as I checked out my "region" data in R, it has 919 observations (which means that I didn't define the vector of "region" properly, if I did it right, it should be [1] 5, and J <- 5), does anyone know how to specify this kind of categorical indicator? (particularly if it has numeric values, which makes "as.vector" function inappropriate here) and how do I transform it into the kind of distributional form I want (in this example, J = 5)? also, most importantly, are there any useful websits that have definition for these R and Bugs syntax and their applications? (I hate those textbooks that always assume their readers as veterans in a particular statistical package...) Thanks. Sincerely, H K. Tseng -- Ph.D. student Department of Political Science The George Washington University [[alternative HTML version deleted]]