Horace Tso
2009-Feb-20 01:01 UTC
[R] residuals from a fractional arima model and other questions
Dear list and Martin, I'm testing different approaches to fit an electricity demand time series and come upon the fracdiff package (v 1.3-1) for fitting fractional ARIMA models. The following questions are motivated by this package. 1. Despite having a help page, the residuals and fitted functions don't seem to have implementation, or did i miss something obvious? Alternatively, having a fitted fracdiff object, how do I calculate the residuals? (Please forgive me if this is totally obvious which I'm sure it may be. Is it just a matter of expanding out the (1-L)^d term?) 2. I don't have access to the cited Haslett & Raftery (1989) paper, but could someone explain to me the little cautionary note in the help page stating that "nar and nma should not be too large (say < 10) to avoid degeneracy in the model." I see that a different implementation of the FARIMA procedure in Splus could lead to an explosive, ie. non-stationary model when it's used to fit a log volatility data set (Zivot & Wang, p.291). Zivot explains that it might be due to canceling roots in the AR and MA polynomials. Is this a caution against a similar problem. Which leads to my next question, 3. Is the FARIMA procedure known to be unstable at time? Is there a better way (with a different package perhaps) to model long range dependence ? 4. When my model is fitted, i got a warning that it's unable to compute the correlation matrix. Output looks like, Call: fracdiff(x = res.iact.ts, nar = 9, nma = 9, M = 100) *** Warning during fit: unable to compute correlation matrix Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) d 4.745e-01 0.000e+00 Inf <2e-16 *** ar1 8.897e-01 0.000e+00 Inf <2e-16 *** ar2 -3.386e-01 0.000e+00 -Inf <2e-16 *** ar3 3.339e-01 2.044e-17 1.634e+16 <2e-16 *** ar4 -4.406e-01 0.000e+00 -Inf <2e-16 *** ar5 3.924e-02 6.349e-18 6.182e+15 <2e-16 *** ar6 -5.184e-01 2.558e-17 -2.026e+16 <2e-16 *** ar7 8.988e-01 0.000e+00 Inf <2e-16 *** ar8 -7.568e-01 3.112e-16 -2.432e+15 <2e-16 *** ar9 3.442e-01 2.175e-22 1.582e+21 <2e-16 *** ma1 -1.190e-01 1.470e-18 -8.097e+16 <2e-16 *** ma2 -9.343e-02 0.000e+00 -Inf <2e-16 *** ma3 2.140e-01 0.000e+00 Inf <2e-16 *** ma4 -2.107e-01 0.000e+00 -Inf <2e-16 *** ma5 -2.892e-01 0.000e+00 -Inf <2e-16 *** ma6 -7.197e-01 2.888e-08 -2.492e+07 <2e-16 *** ma7 3.021e-01 0.000e+00 Inf <2e-16 *** ma8 -1.395e-01 0.000e+00 -Inf <2e-16 *** ma9 -2.493e-02 3.013e-21 -8.274e+18 <2e-16 *** --- Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 [d.tol = 0.0001221, M = 100, h = 0.004807] Log likelihood: -4.562e+05 ==> AIC = 912360.4 [1 deg.freedom] Last question : why are some of z-values infinite? Thanks in advance. Horace Tso [[alternative HTML version deleted]]