similar to: residuals from a fractional arima model and other questions

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 80 matches similar to: "residuals from a fractional arima model and other questions"

2008 Mar 02
coxpath() in package glmpath
Hi, I am new to model selection by coefficient shrinkage method such as lasso. And I became particularly interested in variable selection in Cox regression by lasso. I became aware of the coxpath() in R package glmpath does lasso on Cox model. I have tried the sample script on the help page of coxpath(), but I have difficult time understanding the output. Therefore, I would greatly appreciate if
2006 Apr 23
Question about bicreg
Dear Adrian and Ian (and r-helpers), I encountered a curious result in developing an example using the bicreg function in the BMA package: I noticed that pairs of models with equal R^2 and equal numbers of predictors had nevertheless different BIC values. Looking at the bicreg function, the definition of BIC appears to be the usual one, or close to it [bic <- n * log(1 - r2/100) + (size - 1) *
2007 Jul 21
Binomial multi-level (hierarchical) modelling [partly stats question, not completely R related]
Dear all, This question is partly statistics and partly R and I apologise in advance for my (usual) verbosity! My data is a little more complicated that this suggests, but essentially I have proportion data from different studies (id), each from a specific country and region of the World. I would like to examine the variables that affect the proportion, but these factors are hierarchical. In case
2007 Dec 09
Large determinant problem
I thought I would have another try at explaining my problem. I think that last time I may have buried it in irrelevant detail. This output should explain my dilemma: > dim(S) [1] 1455 269 > summary(as.vector(S)) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. -1.160e+04 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 -4.132e-08 0.000e+00 8.636e+03 > sum(as.vector(S)==0)/(1455*269) [1]
2000 May 09
Dispersion in summary.glm() with binomial & poisson link
Following p.206 of "Statistical Models in S", I wish to change the code for summary.glm() so that it estimates the dispersion for binomial & poisson models when the parameter dispersion is set to zero. The following changes [insertion of ||dispersion==0 at one point; and !is.null(dispersion) at another] will do the trick: "summary.glm" <- function(object, dispersion =
2005 Aug 05
calculate likelihood based on logit regression
Hi, I just ran the following logit regression. But can anyone tell me how to calculate how much more likely males (Male=1) could show such symptom than females(Male=0)? I know it must be simple to get once I have the coefficients, but I just don't recall. Thank you very much! Call: glm(formula = Symptoms ~ 1 + Male, family = binomial(link = logit), data = HA) Deviance Residuals:
2009 Jan 12
help on nested mixed effects ANOVA
Hello, I am trying to run a mixed effects nested ANOVA but none of my codes are giving me any meaningful results and I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I am a new user on R and would appreciate some help. The experimental design is that I have some frogs that have been exposed to three acoustic Treatments and I am measuring neural activity (egr), in 12 brain regions. Some frogs also called
2003 Jan 23
Re: R-help digest, Vol 1 #51 - 13 msgs
> Subject: [R] Question on running tseries::garch on Mac OSX > Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2003 15:58:50 -0800 > From: Nicholas Waltner <nwaltner at> > To: <R-help at> > > Hello, > > When I run the garch examples, I get the following output: > > > dax.garch <- garch(dax) > > ***** ESTIMATION WITH ANALYTICAL GRADIENT *****
2009 Nov 12
naive "collinear" weighted linear regression
Hi there Sorry for what may be a naive or dumb question. I have the following data: > x <- c(1,2,3,4) # predictor vector > y <- c(2,4,6,8) # response vector. Notice that it is an exact, perfect straight line through the origin and slope equal to 2 > error <- c(0.3,0.3,0.3,0.3) # I have (equal) ``errors'', for instance, in the measured responses Of course the
2005 Aug 05
question regarding logit regression using glm
I got the following warning messages when I did a binomial logit regression using glm(): Warning messages: 1: Algorithm did not converge in: = X, y = Y, weights = weights, start = start, etastart = etastart, 2: fitted probabilities numerically 0 or 1 occurred in: = X, y = Y, weights = weights, start = start, etastart = etastart, Can some one share your thoughts on how to
2008 Jun 17
Accessing Max/Min Value of Density Function
Dear all, Currently I have the following output > mydensity <- density(x) > print(mydensity) x y Min. : -92.14 Min. :0.000e+00 1st Qu.: 356.66 1st Qu.:5.530e-09 Median : 805.45 Median :4.681e-05 Mean : 805.45 Mean :5.564e-04 3rd Qu.:1254.24 3rd Qu.:3.370e-04 Max. :1703.04 Max. :5.541e-03 How can I access the Max value of
2010 Aug 25
approxfun-problems (yleft and yright ignored)
Dear all, I have run into a problem when running some code implemented in the Bioconductor panp-package (applied to my own expression data), whereby gene expression values of known true negative probesets (x) are interpolated onto present/absent p-values (y) between 0 and 1 using the *approxfun - function*{stats}; when I have used R version 2.8, everything had worked fine, however, after updating
2010 Aug 17
semiparametric fractional autoregressive model
folks, does anyone know if the SEMIFAR model has been implemented in R? i see that there's a S-FinMetrics function SEMIFAR() that does the job, but I have no access to that software. essentially, this semiparametric fractional autoregressive model introduces a deterministic trend to the FARIMA(p,d,0) model (which, as i understand it, takes care of the random trend and short and long memory).
2006 Feb 06
marginal distribution wrt time of time series ?
Dear all, In many papers regarding time series analysis of acquired data, the authors analyze 'marginal distribution' (i.e. marginal with respect to time) of their data by for example checking 'cdf heavy tail' hypothesis. For i.i.d data this is ok, but what if samples are correlated, nonstationary etc.? Are there limit theorems which for example allow us to claim that
2008 Mar 21
tseries(arma) vs. stats(arima)
Hello, The "arma" function in the "tseries" package allows estimation of models with specific "ar" and "ma" lags with its "lag" argument. For example: y[t] = a[0] + a[1]y[t-3] +b[1]e[t-2] + e[t] can be estimated with the following specification : arma(y, lag=list(ar=3,ma=2)). Is this possible with the "arima" function in the
2011 Feb 02
Acf of Frima
Hello, I am trying to calculate the autocovariance matrix for any general farima(p,d,q) with p,q > 1. Could anyone give an idea how to implement in R or if there is any package for this? thank you beforehand. Jose.
2011 Jul 25
error in survival analysis
This is a simple R program that I have been trying to run. I keep running into the "singular matrix" error. I end up with no sensible results. Can anyone suggest any changes or a way around this? I am a total rookie when working with R. Thanks, Rasika > library(survival) Loading required package: splines > args(coxph) function (formula, data, weights, subset, na.action, init,
2005 Jul 26
Hello! I installed the fSeries package to get some farima time-series which i tried with farimaSim, but unfortunately i got always an error. I tried it this way: > farimaSim(n = 1000, model = list(ar = 0.5, d = 0.3, ma = 0.1), method="freq") Error in farimaSim(n = 1000, model = list(ar = 0.5, d = 0.3, ma = 0.1), : ... used in an incorrect context Some ideas? Regards, ___
2012 Jul 12
Cox proportional hazard model and coefficients
Hi, Here is the summary-output of the Coxph-model I used (the output is based on the best final model i.e. all significant explanatory variables and their interactions are included): coxph(formula = Y ~ LT + Food + Temp2 + LT:Food + LT:Temp2 + Food:Temp2 + LT:Food:Temp2) n= 555 coef exp(coef) se(coef) z
2011 Mar 02
problem with glm(family=binomial) when some levels have only 0 proportion values
Hello everybody I want to compare the proportions of germinated seeds (seed batches of size 10) of three plant types (1,2,3) with a glm with binomial data (following the method in Crawley: Statistics,an introduction using R, p.247). The problem seems to be that in two plant types (2,3) all plants have proportions = 0. I give you my data and the model I'm running: success failure