Hi, I created the script below to plot multiple graphs. It seems to work pretty well (see BYX7) except when the max value for catch or TACC is very small. In this case the x-axis labels are removed from the x-axis (see BYX10). I can't figure out why given that y co-ordinate for the text function is par("usr")[1] - 0. Shouldn't this mean that it is flush to the x-axis? Can anyone see what is going wrong? SCRIPT: fish<-read.csv(file="C:/Documents and Settings/darej/My Documents/James/R/fishmany.csv",sep=",",head=T) x.sp <- split(fish, list(fish$Species, fish$Stock)) for (i in x.sp){ par(mar = c(7, 6, 4, 2) + 0.1) yaxmax=(max(i$TACC, i$Catch))*1.2 mp <- barplot(i$TACC, xaxt="n", main=paste(i$Stock[1]),space=0,xlab="",ylab="",ylim=c(0,max(i$TACC, i$Catch))*1.2) axis(1, labels = FALSE) labels <- paste(i$Year, sep = " ") text(mp, par("usr")[1] - 0, srt = 45, cex=0.75,adj = 1, labels = labels, xpd = TRUE) lines(mp, i$Catch, type='o', pch=18,lwd=2) legend("topright",legendc("TACC","Catch"),bty="n",col=c("black","black"),lty=c(0,1),lwd=c(0,2), pch=c(22,18),pt.bg=c("grey",NA),pt.cex=2) xmax=length(i$Year) text(xmax*0.6, par("usr")[1] - (0.1*yaxmax), srt = 0, adj = 1, labels = "Fishing Year", xpd = TRUE,cex=1.2) text(xmax*-0.15, par("usr")[1] + (0.6*yaxmax), srt = 90, adj = 1, labels = "Tonnes", xpd = TRUE,cex=1.2) savePlot(filename=paste(i$Stock[1]),type="wmf") } http://www.nabble.com/file/p21364546/BYX7.gif http://www.nabble.com/file/p21364546/BYX10.gif -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Graph-Script-X-axis-label-Problem-tp21364546p21364546.html Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.