Hi all,
Is it possible to manipulate the properties of an active graph?
I'm trying to manipulate the plots generated by extRemes into something
suitable for a report, but the only change I can make successfully is add lines
( abline(v=2) ). For example, I'd like to be able to use standard instead
of scientific notation, and remove the data points leaving the mean and CI
lines. I've tried to manipulate it with rggobi but can't work out how to
get a handle on the active graph. I've tried to plot using the data
structure in extRemes but there are some elements that are not suitable for
from extRemes.log:
dd <- get( "FDNzeros")
z <- dd[["models"]][[ 1]]
rlplot( z=z, ci=0.05, add.ci=TRUE)
> write.table(z)
Error in as.data.frame.default(x[[i]], optional = TRUE, stringsAsFactors =
stringsAsFactors) :
cannot coerce class "gpd.fit" into a data.frame
Any suggestions??
Thanks, Ben
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