On Fri, 12 Dec 2008, Saptarshi Guha wrote:
> Hello,
> I have to write single Long to a server written in java. The server
> passes the input as
> in.readLong() // it expects to receive 8 bytes
> In Python, i can do it by sending struct.pack( "!q", value)
> However, I have tried this
> writeBin(length(x),con=conn,endian="big") #conn opened in binary
> But the response on the server side is wrong, eg. 1 is received as
> 4294967297
> How do I then write long across the network from R?
Tell writeBin() the 'size' you want: see its help page.
> Thank you
> Saptarshi
> Saptarshi Guha | saptarshi.guha at gmail.com |
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Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
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