Hi, I am using R 2.8.0 on Kubuntu 8.04. My problem is that is can't get my postscript output to work the same way as on screen output. If I copy the device after plotting dev.print() font sizes don't match and text sticks out of the figure margins. When I use postscript() to create a new plotting device R fails to plot with the error: Error in plot.new() : figure margins too large How do I generate high resolution or resolution independent output that resembles what I see on screen? I am aware of the thread: http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/help/04/01/0428.html but it did not help me to resolve the problem, as I don't have a copy of "Modern Applied Statistics with S" at hand -- if that is what was referred to by MASS. Additionally printing directly to postcript generates an error. my plotting code is: par(font=2) par(las=2) par(cex.lab=2) par(mar=c(1, 12, 12, 14) +0.2) par(font.axis=2) par(font.lab=2) par(cex.axis=2) image(1:ncol(fcs),1:nrow(fcs),t(fcs),col=color_fun(5), breaksbreaks,xlab="",ylab="",xaxt="n",yaxt="n") {here it fails:"Error in plot.new() : figure margins too large" when plotting to a device created with postscript(). Plotting to the default X11 and using dev.print() works aside from the messed up layout.} daylab <- c("D3","D7","D10","D14","D28","D60") axis(side=3,labels=daylab,at=1:ncol(fcs),tick=FALSE) axis(side=2,labels=probe.2.symbol(pid),at=1:nrow(fcs),tick=FALSE) par(font.axis=1) par(font.lab=1) axis(side=4,labels=format(pp,scientific=TRUE,digits=2),at=1:nrow(fcs),tick=FALSE) par(las=0) Thanks, Bastian