Erich Studerus, Psychiatrische Uni-Klinik
2008-Oct-18 11:46 UTC
[R] Several problems with hmisc latex function
Hi, I'm having several problems with the Hmisc latex function. First, there seems to be a conflict between the cellTexCmds and the cgroupTexComds. When I'm using both at the same time, I get an error message. Here's an example. I just added cellTexComds to the example on page 10 of this document: x <- matrix(1:30, ncol = 5) y <- letters[1:6] x <- data.frame(x, y) cell.format <- matrix(rep("", NCOL(x) * NROW(x)), ncol = NCOL(x)) cell.format[1,1]<-"bfseries" latex(x, file = "", cgroup = c("Group A", "Group B", "Group C"), n.cgroup = c(2, 2, 2), rgroup = c("First", "Second"), n.rgroup = c(4, + 2), colnamesTexCmd = "color{green}", cgroupTexCmd = "scshape", rgroupTexCmd = "bfseries", numeric.dollar = FALSE, title = "", ctable = TRUE, label = "tab:severalCgroups", caption = "More than two column groups.",cellTexCmds=cell.format) I also would like to add more space between the column names and the line above them. With the defaults the column names are extremly close to the line. Adding "\\vspace{5mm} works, but adds the space below the names and not on top of the names, where I want to put it. I'm also struggling with the dcolumn option. Can anyone give a reproducible example for this option. I tried x<-matrix(c(34.567,3.45,4.5789,345.5),2,2) x<-format.df(x,dcolumn=TRUE) latex(x,ctable=T) but it does not work. Thanks for your help! Erich