>>>> "C" == collonil <manitz.juliane at web.de>
>>>> on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 07:35:09 -0700 (PDT)
C> Hallo,
C> i want to fit a GARCH model with a extern regressor (without arma
C> components), so i found the following function in package fGarch. I
C> out a lot of things but usually I get this Error.
C> > garchFit(formula=y~x, formula.var=~garch(1,1),data=w)
C> Error in .garchFit(formula.mean, formula.var, series = x, init.rec,
C> :
C> Algorithm only supported for mci Recursion
C> I think i use the function the wrong way, but cannot find my mistake.
C> somebody help me?
it looks like one of the depended package of fGarch has a change which
breaks garchFit. I would recommend you to use the development version.
If you have R (>=2.7.0) and everything installed in order to compile a
package, you can use the following command to install the development
version of the fGarch package.
installRmetrics("fGarch", repos =
but bear in mind that this is development code. So if you have any
suggestion how to improve it, please let us know it!
hope this helps,
PhD student
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology