search for: garchfit

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 74 matches for "garchfit".

2006 Nov 22
problems with garchFit
Hi all, I post it on both r-help and r-finance since I don't know where is most appropriate for this topic. Sorry if it bothers you. I did garch fitting on S&P500 monthly returns with garchFit from fSeries. I got same coefficients from all cond.dist except normal. I thought that is probabaly usual for the data. But when I play with it, I got another question. I plot skew normal with skew = 1 and a standard normal, they overlap eachother, so I think they are the same. Skew = 1 means no s...
2006 Nov 22
questions about garchFit
Hi all, I was trying garchFIt() of fSeries to fit volatility of monthly log returns of S&P500. I tried residuals of normal, student t, skew normal, skew t. But all innovations except normal got exaxtly same coefficients, even if I changed their parameters of skew and shape. Is this correct for the data or something wrong?...
2011 Nov 06
fGarch: garchFit and include.shape/shape parameters
Hello, The function garchFit in the package fGarch allows for choosing a conditional distribution, one of which is the t-distribution. The function allows specification of the shape parameter of the distribution (equal to the degrees of freedom for the t-distribution), for which the default is set to 4. The function also inclu...
2007 Jan 06
garchFit in R
Dear all, I have problem here : I'm using garchFit from fSeries package, here is part of the script : > data <- read.table("d:/data.txt") > a <- garchFit(~garch(1,1),ts(data)) I also attached the file here. In my experience, I got my R not responding. I also tried with > a <- garchFit(~garch(1,1),ts(data*...
2006 Apr 26
garchFit from fSeries
Dear R People: I'm trying to use the garchFit function from the library(fSeries) However, R freezes every time that I use it. Is anyone else having this problem, please? Thanks in advance! R Version 2.2.1 Windows. Sincerely, Erin Hodgess Associate Professor Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences University of Houston - Downtown...
2010 Aug 15
fGarch: how to use garchFit() in loop?
...within a loop? Here's a minimal example showing that an "Formula and data units do not match"-error appears: library(fGarch) spec <- garchSpec(model = list(alpha = 0.1, beta = c(0.4, 0.4))) data <- garchSim(spec, n = 100) x <- list() for(q in 1:3){ print(q) x[q] <- list(garchFit(~garch(1,q),data=data,trace=FALSE)) } Cheers, Marius
2012 Mar 11
specify GARCH model, using garchFit()
Hello, I’ve fitted a Garch(2,1) model with function 'garchFit()' from the package 'fGarch': > m1 <- garchFit(formula = ~garch(2,1),data = X,trace = F) * See 'summary(m1)' OUTPUT BELOW * PROBLEM: My alpha1 term is not significant and I would like to make a NEW model, say m2, that does not contain alpha1, but I am not sure how to sp...
2006 Apr 26
garch in tseries
Hello again! Is there a way to include a mean in the garch function in the library(tseries), please? I tried include.mean=T in the function statement but it didn't work thanks in advance! R Version 2.2.1 Windows Sincerely, Erin mailto: hodgess at
2006 Jul 06
Problem with garchFit function in fSeries
I used garchFit function to fit 1600 observations of EURO/USD 2-day returns in GARCH(1,1) model. As part of the summary I got warning message: NaNs produced in: sqrt(diag(fit$cvar)) And didn't get any estimates for 3 params' std.error, t value or probability: Error Analysis: Estimate Std. Error...
2011 May 04
...uccess. ### ARIMA-GARCH model with regressor ### ### Time series data: A multivariate data set. cov.ts.dq = cov.ts[1:4,"dq1"][![,"dq1"])] = ts.intersect(dq = diff(q.ts), day = lag(q.ts, -1)) ### The following R scripts work: (summary( <- garchFit(dq ~ arma(0,3) + garch(1,1), data = (summary( <- garchFit(dq ~ arma(0,3) + garch(1,1), data =, include.mean=FALSE))) ### ERROR: I add in the regressor "day". (summary( <- garchFit(dq ~ day + arma(0,3) + garch(1,1), data =
2008 Dec 30
A mistake in garchFit()? {fGarch}
Hello, I was using garchFit {fGarch} to fit some GARCH processes. I noticed that the result contains "Log Likelihood" value (right above "Description"), but when I use .. at fit$llh to retrieve Log Likelihood value, the sign switched. I am confused about which value I should choose to report... Any help he...
2010 Jul 14
fGarch: garchFit() with fixed coefficents
hello everybody, I would like to fit a model to a times series (testing set) for out of sample predictions using garchFit(). I would like to keep the coefficients of ARMA/GARCH model fixed (as found by fitting the model to my training set). The arima fitting function has such an option for that (fixed=NULL) but the garchFit() doesnt. It is very important for me to keep the same coefficients for my testing set as for...
2007 Dec 12
Hi, Could somebody say if it is possible to compute APARCH-models with garchFit commands. I have earlier used aaa (garchOxFit) and now I try to use bbb (look below) aaa <- garchOxFit(formula.mean=~arma(1,0),formula.var=~aparch(1,1),series=nyk,cond.dist=c('gaussian')) bbb <- garchFit(formula=~arma(1,0)+aparch(1,1),data=nyk) aaa works well, but I need other...
2009 Jun 19
using garchFit() to fit ARMA+GARCH model with exogeneous variables
...which I wish to include, so the whole equation looks like: y_t - \phi y_{t-1} = \sigma_t \epsilon_t + \theta \sigma_{t-1} \epsilon_{t-1} + c x_t where \epsilon_t are i.i.d. random variables \sigma_t^2 = omega + \alpha \sigma_{t-1}^2 + \beta y_{t-1}^2 I looked through documentation of garchFit() from the fGarch library but didn't find a way to include exogeneous variables like x_t. How do I do that? Thank you very much in advance! Yuhan Zhang Morgan Stanley | Fixed Income 1585 Broadway, 3rd Floor | New York, NY 10036 Phone: +1 212 761-2313 -------...
2008 Jul 09
garchFit problem
Hi, I have a problem using garchFit, when I use : x<-model$resid fit = garchFit(~garch(1, 1), data = x, cond.dist="dst") fit at fitted it gives me error : object "fit" not found Why it doesn't recognize fit? Thanks, Shirin
2011 Sep 15
Hi, i am a student of tecnical mathematics in austria, and my english is not sooo good, German would be easier, but an answer in english is perfect too. I would need any help to understand the exact output of the function "garchFit". Maybe it would help me just to know what the coefficients are telling me. I do already understand well what functions like arima or garch are doing and telling me. So the problem should not be mathematical, but i do not understand what exactly are mu, omega, alpha1, ..., beta1,... or also g...
2011 Sep 20
predict() of garchFit
Hi, could anyone tell me how predict() predicts the meanError or standardDerivation of a garchFit(1,1)-model, knowing the coefficients mu, omega, alpha1, beta1 and of course all datapoints? Thanks and sorry for my poor english. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2008 Feb 04
garchFit (PR#10698)
Full_Name: Scott Yonker Version: R for OSX Cocoa OS: Mac OSX Submission from: (NULL) ( The garchFit function in the Rmetrics libray cannot estimate ARCH models, meaning that the number of beta terms in the model must be greater than zero. For this function neither p nor q can be set to zero without an error. The problem lies in both the specification of the objective function and in the functio...
2004 Nov 10
...GPL # ############################################################################ #### # PART I: Estimation: # Settings: set.seed(547) # Bollerslev's GARCH(1,1) with normal innovations: model = list(omega = 1e-6, alpha = 0.1, beta = 0.8, mu = 0) x = garchSim(model, n = 1000) fit = garchFit(as.numeric(x), order = c(1, 1)) print(fit) # Summary and Diagnostic Analysis: summary(fit) # Plot Results: par(mfrow = c(2, 2)) plot(fit) ### Results of the estimations are false. Call: garchFit(x = as.numeric(x), order = c(1, 1)) Coefficient(s): omega a1 b1 8.564e-0...
2010 Mar 17
Hi, Although my doubt is pretty,as i m not from stats background i am not sure how to proceed on this. Currently i am doing a forecasting.I used ARIMA to forecast and time series was volatile i used garchFit for residuals. How to use the output of Garch to correct the forecasted values from ARIMA. Here is my code: ###delta is the data fit<-arima(delta,order=c(2,,0,1)) fit.res <- resid(fit) ##Check for Residuals acf((fit.res-mean(fit.res))/sd(fit.res)) acf(((fit.res-mean(fit.res))/sd(fit.res))...