On 7/30/2008 7:15 AM, el_eli at gmx.de wrote:> Hi Duncan,
> thank you for your fast answering. Is there any function implemented in
> R to "stop" it?
> (something like q() but i only want to stop a script not shutdown the
> whole R-console at a certain point)
> That would be a good alternative for breakpoints in Eclipse...
A call to browser() will pause execution, let you examine and change
local variables, etc.
A few years ago I put together a web page of debugging tips; it's still
online at stats.uwo.ca/faculty/murdoch/software/debuggingR. I think
most of the information is still current, though I haven't reviewed it
in a while.
Duncan Murdoch
> Best,
> Eli
> Duncan Murdoch schrieb:
>> On 30/07/2008 4:28 AM, el_eli at gmx.de wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm using the IDE Eclipse with the Statet-Plugin to develop
>>> Is there a possibility to set breakpoints for debugging in R-script
>>> files
>>> (just like in Java-code)?
>> I believe the answer is no, but R does contain (some of?) the
>> necessary infrastructure to add that. It will just take some time,
>> and some happy coincidences. (I don't know StatET, so I'll
need to
>> learn what it needs.)
>> Duncan Murdoch