Zheng Lu <zlu <at> umich.edu> writes:
> Dear all:
> I have the following codes:
> Xdata<-c(2,3,8,9,10)
> Ydata<-1:5
> gap.plot(Xdata, Ydata,gap=c(5,6),gap.axis="x",type="o")
> However, the type='o' seems only work on the first part of gap
plot, the
second half of the plot always just> points, you can not add lines on that part, any help will be highly
appreciated. I would like to have these> two parts of the plot either both are points or both are lines or both are
overlaid of lines and points. Thank> you very much.
> Zheng
gap.plot(Xdata, Ydata,gap=c(5,6),gap.axis="x",type="o")
You can fix this problem by changing the function so that
every instance of points() has a ... at the end -- for
my.gap.plot <-
function (x, y, gap, gap.axis = "y", xticlab, xtics = NA, yticlab,
ytics = NA, col = rep(par("col"), length(x)), xlim, ylim,
pch = rep(1, length(x)), ...)
if (missing(y) && !missing(x)) {
y <- x
x <- 1:length(y)
if (missing(gap))
stop("gap must be specified")
gapsize <- diff(gap)
if (missing(xtics))
xtics <- pretty(x)
if (missing(ytics))
ytics <- pretty(y)
if (missing(xticlab))
xticlab <- xtics
if (missing(yticlab))
yticlab <- ytics
if (length(col) < length(y))
col <- rep(col, length.out = length(y))
if (gap.axis == "y") {
littleones <- which(y <= gap[1])
if (length(gapsize) > 2) {
middleones <- which(y >= gap[2] & y <= gap[3])
bigones <- which(y >= gap[4])
lostones <- sum(c(y > gap[1] & y < gap[2], y >
gap[3] &
y < gap[4]))
if (missing(ylim))
ylim <- c(min(y), max(y) - (gapsize[1] + gapsize[3]))
else {
middleones <- NA
bigones <- which(y >= gap[2])
lostones <- sum(y > gap[1] & y < gap[2])
if (missing(ylim))
ylim <- c(min(y), max(y) - gapsize[1])
if (lostones)
warning("some values of y will not be displayed")
if (missing(xlim))
xlim <- range(x)
else {
littleones <- which(x <= gap[1])
if (length(gapsize) > 2) {
middleones <- which(x >= gap[2] & x <= gap[3])
bigones <- which(x >= gap[4])
lostones <- sum(c(x > gap[1] & x < gap[2], x >
gap[3] &
x < gap[4]))
if (missing(xlim))
xlim <- c(min(x), max(x) - (gapsize[1] + gapsize[3]))
else {
middleones <- NA
bigones <- which(x >= gap[2])
lostones <- sum(x > gap[1] & x < gap[2])
if (missing(xlim))
xlim <- c(min(x), max(x) - gapsize[1])
if (lostones)
warning("some values of x will not be displayed")
if (missing(ylim))
ylim <- range(y)
if (length(pch) < length(x))
pch <- rep(pch, length.out = length(x))
plot(x[littleones], y[littleones], xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
axes = FALSE, col = col[littleones], pch = pch[littleones],
if (gap.axis == "y") {
if (!is.na(xtics[1]))
axis(1, at = xtics, labels = xticlab)
littletics <- which(ytics < gap[1])
if (length(gapsize) > 2) {
middletics <- which(ytics >= gap[2] & ytics <= gap[3])
bigtics <- which(ytics >= gap[4])
show.at <- c(ytics[littletics], ytics[middletics] -
gapsize[1], ytics[bigtics] - (gapsize[1] + gapsize[3]))
show.labels <- c(yticlab[littletics], yticlab[middletics],
else {
bigtics <- which(ytics >= gap[2])
show.at <- c(ytics[littletics], ytics[bigtics] -
show.labels <- c(ytics[littletics], yticlab[bigtics])
axis(2, at = show.at, labels = show.labels)
axis.break(2, gap[1], style = "gap")
if (length(gapsize) > 2) {
axis.break(2, gap[3] - gapsize[1], style = "gap")
points(x[middleones], y[middleones] - gapsize[1],
col = col[middleones], pch = pch[middleones],...)
points(x[bigones], y[bigones] - (gapsize[1] + gapsize[3]),
col = col[bigones], pch = pch[bigones],...)
else points(x[bigones], y[bigones] - gapsize[1], col = col[bigones],
pch = pch[bigones],...)
else {
if (!is.na(ytics[1]))
axis(2, at = ytics, labels = yticlab)
littletics <- which(xtics < gap[1])
if (length(gapsize) > 2) {
middletics <- which(xtics >= gap[2] & xtics <= gap[3])
bigtics <- which(xtics >= gap[4])
show.at <- c(xtics[littletics], xtics[middletics] -
gapsize[1], xtics[bigtics] - (gapsize[1] + gapsize[3]))
show.labels <- c(xticlab[littletics], xticlab[middletics],
else {
bigtics <- which(xtics >= gap[2])
show.at <- c(xtics[littletics], xtics[bigtics] -
show.labels <- c(xticlab[littletics], xticlab[bigtics])
axis(1, at = show.at, labels = show.labels)
axis.break(1, gap[1], style = "gap")
if (length(gapsize) > 2) {
axis.break(1, gap[3] - gapsize[1], style = "gap")
points(x[middleones] - gapsize[1], y[middleones],
col = col[middleones], pch = pch[middleones],...)
points(x[bigones] - (gapsize[1] + gapsize[3]), y[bigones],
col = col[bigones], pch = pch[bigones],...)
else points(x[bigones] - gapsize[1], y[bigones], col = col[bigones],
pch = pch[bigones],...)
my.gap.plot(Xdata, Ydata,gap=c(5,6),gap.axis="x",type="o")