Dear All, I'm having trouble ploting multiple xYplots (Hmisc) within the same pg although I've done it before w/ xyplots. I've produced 4 similar plots e.g. rna.h<-xYplot(Cbind(RNA,Lo,Up)~HO|factor(MO,labels=c("April", "May","June")),,method="bars",type="b", keys="lines",pch=16,col=1,cap=.04, ylim=c(-0.5,6.5),xlim=c(0.1,24.6), xlab="Hour (local time)",ylab=expression(log(RNA)), layout=c(3,1),aspect=5/3) For some time, the following commands worked fine w/ xyplots postscript(file="G:/MyArticles/ConditionArticle/DielVars.eps", horiz=T,paper="a4") print(rd.h,split=c(1,1,2,2),more=T) print(rna.h,split=c(2,1,2,2),more=T) print(sl.h,split=c(1,2,2,2),more=T) print(pp.h,split=c(2,2,2,2)) I'd got in the end a pretty page w/ plots distributed "evenly" and SIMULTANEOUSLY. Now, they're ploted sequentially (if I use the prints command lines only) or just the first plot appears in the final EPS file w/ the following warning Warning messages: 1: 'mode(horizontal)' differs between new and previous ==> NOT changing 'horizontal' 2: 'length(horizontal)' differs between new and previous ==> NOT changing 'horizontal' Can someone help? Thanks, Eduardo Esteves