Marcin Kozak
2008-Apr-11 18:17 UTC
[R] EM algorithm for multiple-locus haplotypes frequencies
Hi all, I've been looking in R for an EM algorithm adjusted for multiple-locus haplotypes frequencies, but failed in 100%. Has anyone heard of anything of this kind in R? Thanks in advance, Marcin
David Duffy
2008-Apr-18 07:00 UTC
[R] EM algorithm for multiple-locus haplotypes frequencies
From: "Marcin Kozak" <nyggus at> Subject: [R] EM algorithm for multiple-locus haplotypes frequencies> Hi all, > > I've been looking in R for an EM algorithm adjusted for multiple-locus > haplotypes frequencies, but failed in 100%. Has anyone heard of > anything of this kind in R? >Look at all the libraries whose name starts haplo eg haplo.stats. -- | David Duffy (MBBS PhD) ,-_|\ | email: davidD at ph: INT+61+7+3362-0217 fax: -0101 / * | Epidemiology Unit, Queensland Institute of Medical Research \_,-._/ | 300 Herston Rd, Brisbane, Queensland 4029, Australia GPG 4D0B994A v