Displaying 20 results from an estimated 54 matches for "locus".
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2009 Jan 15
How to create a chromosome location map by locus ID
I'm trying to make a chromosomal map in R by using the locus. I have a list
of genes and their locus, and I want to visualise that so you can see if
there are multiple genes on a specific place on a chromosome. A example of
what I more or less want is below:
http://www.nabble.com/file/p21474206/untitled.JPG untitled.JPG
The genes and locus are here:
2006 May 02
Repeating tdt function on thousands of variables
I am using dgc.genetics to perform TDT analysis on SNP data from a cohort of
I now have a file with about 6008 variables. The first few variables related
to the pedigree data such as the pedigree ID the person ID etc. Thereafter
each variable is a specific locus or marker. The variables are named by a
pattern such as "Genotype.nnnnn" with nnnnn corresponding to a number which
is the name or id of the locus.
I am able to get the tdt to run by each locus. >tdt(Genotype.914186, PGWide,
famid, pid, fatid, motid, sex, affected )
Clearly I cann...
2004 Aug 24
Boxplot across levels of a factor
I have a data-frame in which one-column is a factor:
> str(data);
`data.frame': 194 obs. of 8 variables:
$ Type : Factor w/ 3 levels "Nuclear-Rec..",..: 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
$ Locus : num 0.000571 0.004000 0.001429 0.004857 0.007429 ...
And I'd like to make a boxplot of the data$Locus values, where each level of
the factor gets its own box-and-whiskers plot. I'm weak in R, but I thought
there might be some shortcut to automating this instead of just creating...
2008 Apr 11
EM algorithm for multiple-locus haplotypes frequencies
Hi all,
I've been looking in R for an EM algorithm adjusted for multiple-locus
haplotypes frequencies, but failed in 100%. Has anyone heard of
anything of this kind in R?
Thanks in advance,
2012 May 23
applying cbind (or any function) across all components in a list
#If I have two lists as follows
a1<- array(1:6, dim=c(2,3))
a2<- array(7:12, dim=c(2,3))
l1<- list(a1,a2)
a3<- array(1:4, dim=c(2,2))
a4<- array(5:8, dim=c(2,2))
l2<- list(a3,a4)
#how can I create a new list with the mean across all arrays within the
list, so all components are included? As an example for [[1]];
2010 Oct 08
Efficiency Question - Nested lapply or nested for loop
...cmat[Gmax,Gtru] = cmat[Gmax,Gtru] + 1
## APPROACH 2: Nested lapply ####
# This routine finds the geno w/ highest prob from the erg.avgs.
# and compares it to the true geno. Result is tallied by
# incrementing the appropriate index of the confusion matrix
add2cmat <- function(ind,locus) {
Gmax = which.max(c( data[[paste("G_hat_0_",ind,sep="")]][locus],
data[[paste("G_hat_2_",ind,sep="")]][locus] ))
Gtru = data[[paste("G_",ind,sep="")]][locu...
2006 Mar 29
R for Windows crash on new laptop
..., 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0), nrow = 5, byrow = T)
rland <- new.local.demo(rland,SZ,RZ,M)
rland <-
0,c(0,0,0,0,0),c(0,0,0,0,0), carry = rep(carrycap,habitats))
rland <- new.locus(rland, type = 1, ploidy = 2, transmission = 0,
numalleles = 1, mutationrate = 0.001)
rland <- new.locus(rland, type = 1, ploidy = 2, transmission = 0,
numalleles = 1, mutationrate = 0.001)
rland <- new.locus(rland, type = 1, ploidy = 2, transmission = 0,
numalleles = 1, mutationrate = 0.00...
2006 Mar 29
R for Windows crash on new laptop - corrected script
...w = T)
>> rland <- new.local.demo(rland,SZ,RZ,M)
>> rland <-
>> new.epoch.island(rland,0,c(0,0,0,0,0),c(0,0,0,0,0),0,c(0,0,0,0,0),c(0,0,0,
>> 0,0),
>> 0,c(0,0,0,0,0),c(0,0,0,0,0), carry = rep(carrycap,habitats))
>> rland <- new.locus(rland, type = 1, ploidy = 2, transmission = 0,
>> numalleles = 1, mutationrate = 0.001)
>> rland <- new.locus(rland, type = 1, ploidy = 2, transmission = 0,
>> numalleles = 1, mutationrate = 0.001)
>> rland <- new.locus(rland, type = 1, ploidy = 2, transmission = 0,
2018 Mar 15
stats 'dist' euclidean distance calculation
I am working with a matrix of multilocus genotypes for ~180 individual snail samples, with substantial missing data. I am trying to calculate the pairwise genetic distance between individuals using the stats package 'dist' function, using euclidean distance. I took a subset of this dataset (3 samples x 3 loci) to test how euclidea...
2002 Nov 27
R genetics package now available
The "genetics" package for handling single-locus genetic data is now
available on CRAN in both source and Windows binary formats. The purpose of
this package is to make it easy to create and manipulate genetic
information, and to facility use of this information in statistical models.
The library includes classes and methods for creating, rep...
2002 Nov 27
R genetics package now available
The "genetics" package for handling single-locus genetic data is now
available on CRAN in both source and Windows binary formats. The purpose of
this package is to make it easy to create and manipulate genetic
information, and to facility use of this information in statistical models.
The library includes classes and methods for creating, rep...
2009 Jan 19
Deleting columns where the frequency of values are too disparate
...lp community,
I have another question about filtering datasets.
Please consider the following "toy" data matrix example, called "x" for simplicity. There are 20 different individuals ("ID"), with information about the alleles (A,T, G, C) at six different loci ("Locus1" - "Locus6") for each of these 20 individuals. At any single locus (e.g., "Locus1" or "Locus2", ... or "Locus6"), the individuals have either one allele (from the set of A,T,C,G) or one other allele (from the set of A,T,C, G). For example, at Locus1 in...
2009 Jan 16
R-help Digest, Vol 71, Issue 16
On Fri, 16 Jan 2009, r-help-request at r-project.org wrote:
> Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 13:29:03 +0100
> From: Pablo G Goicoechea <pgoikoetxea at neiker.net>
> Subject: Re: [R] How to create a chromosome location map by locus ID
> To: Sake <tlep.nav.ekas at hccnet.nl>
> Cc: r-help at r-project.org
> Message-ID: <496F2C0F.3040304 at neiker.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Hi Sake:
> If you do not find an answer within the list, MapChart will probably...
2012 May 23
data conversion (possibly with reshape package)
...155 307 312
I tried to prepare the cast() but didn't quite figure out how to achieve
this. I tried to first merge with the following:
genMelt <- melt(geno, id = c(1:2, 5:6))
then I created a column:
genMelt$Locus <- substring(as.character(genMelt$Panel),5, 6)
genMelt$Locus <- paste(genMelt$Locus, genMelt$variable, sep
= "_")
So I get a column in the appropriate format. But when I cast :
mycast <- cast(genMelt,sample_id~Locus)
I get just the frequencies of...
2004 Oct 29
[rmetasim] Need help deciphering this error msg... targeted to those who use rmetasim...
matrixRR <- matrix( c(rep(0,6*6)),
ncol=6,nrow=6,byrow=TRUE )
matrixSS <- matrix( c(rep(0,6*6)),
ncol=6,nrow=6,byrow=TRUE )
matrixMM <- matrix( c(rep(0,6*6)),
ncol=6,nrow=6,byrow=TRUE )
penguinland <-
penguinland <- new.locus(penguinland)
penguinland <- new.individuals(penguinland, c(6, 4, 4,
3, 2, 5))
## i get error here when simulate.landscape()
#+ Error in "[<-"(`*tmp*`, slice[l, ], slice[l, ],
value = c(0.200000002980232, :
#+ number of items to replace is no...
2012 May 21
help with melt/cast in reshape-package
I'm sorry everyone for the inconvenience of spamming the R-help...
Here's the complete post:
Hi everyone,
> Since it's quite a while that I used the reshape package, I now feel kind
> of rusty.
> I have a data.frame like this:
> id Sample.Name Marker Allele.1
> Allele.2 sample_id species
2010 May 20
computer out of memory when using sigpathway
Dear R users,
I am sorry to disturb you! But I really need your help for the usage of sigPathwy.
Actually, I want a sliding window analysis for possible chromosome expression pattern mining. My research microorganism is a plant pathogen, Gibberella zeae, and I first used SAS to divide locus number with 10, 20, 30, or 40 on the fungal chromosome according to their location. I really want to see whether among the continual 10, 20, 30, or 40 locus has some expression pattern that different from rest genes. Because I know sigPathway (R package, pathway analysis with microarray data) can d...
2009 Sep 29
connecting points on a graph
...R all the maximum values together. I would
like to graph the lines without having manually do one at a time. I have
included a sample of my data below.
I have attached a PDF file of what I would like the final product to look
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!
locus min max K9/10* 70 72 Pcc40 80 81 2F9 84 100 4E8/Pca12 96 108
Pau6 99 103 Pau20 100 113 Pau9 103 129 Pocc1* 104 128 Pau7 105 111
Jolene Sutton
PhD candidate
Department of Zoology
University of Otago
340 Great King St.
PO Box 56
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Fax: (64...
2015 Apr 11
'Nancycats' en R
...quot;peso" de 0.5, porque si hay sobredominancia, dominancia, etc ...,
aunque desconozco el caso en particular.
Javier Rubén Marcuzzi
El 11 de abril de 2015, 11:52, Jorge I Velez <jorgeivanvelez en gmail.com>
> Gemma,
> Tiene que ver con cuantos alelos hay en cada locus. Generalmente esto
> se codifica como 0, 1 y 2, pero los autores optaron por una codificacion 0,
> 0.5 y 1 (que corresponde a tener 0, 1 o 2 alelos, respectivamente, en
> el locus de interes). Asumiendo un microsatelite con alelos "A" y "a", por
> ejemplo, 0 corres...
2005 Mar 03
calculating of linkage-disequilibrium measures?
Hi ,
is it possible to calculate ld-measures D, D', r and
perhaps corresponding p-values with r IF THE
The genetics - package provides the LD function
only for ambigious phase.
Thank you very much
Bettina Kulle