Calum had a long question about drawing survival curves after fitting a Weibull
model, using pweibull, which I have not reproduced.
It is easier to get survival curves using the predict function. Here is a
simple example:
> library(survival)
> tfit <- survreg(Surv(time, status) ~ factor(ph.ecog), data=lung)
> table(lung$ph.ecog)
0 1 2 3 <NA>
63 113 50 1 1
> tdata <- data.frame(ph.ecog=factor(0:3))
> qpred <- predict(tfit, newdata= tdata, type='quantile',
> matplot(t(qpred), 99:1/100, type='l')
The result of predict is a matrix with one row per group and one column per
quantile. The final plot uses "99:1" so as to show 1-F(t) = S(t)
rather than F.
Don't ask for the 1.0 quantile BTW -- it is infinity and I doubt you want
plot to stretch out that far. The 0.0 quantile can also have issues due to the
implicit log transform used in many distributions.
If I had not used the newdata argument, we would get 227 rows in the result,
one for each subject. That is, 63 copies of the ph.ecog==0 curve, 113 of the
ph.ecog==1 curve, ... The above fit assumed a common shape for the 4 groups,
you can add a "+ strata(ph.ecog)" term to have a separate scale for
each group;
this would give the same curves as 4 separate fits to the subgroups.
There are several advantages to using the predict function. The first is that
the code does not need to change if you decide to use a different distribution.
The second is that you can add the "" argument to get
confidence bounds
for the curves. (A couple more lines for your matplot call of course).
Terry Therneau
Mayo Clinic