On 2/19/08, Tom Cohen <tom.cohen78 at yahoo.se>
wrote:> Dear list,
> With the below codes, I got 8 bwplots but I would like to put 2 bwplots
in one single graph so that instead of 8 separate bwplots I would have 4 graphs,
each contains 2 bwplots. How can I do that?
> Another question is how do I add the mean as a point to each boxplot in
the bwplot but also keeping the median line.
> for (i in 1:length(dat)){
> windows()
> with(dat[[i]], print(bwplot(value ~ time | sex + age , scales = list(x
= list(rot = 45)),
> ylab = list(label =
paste(sname[i],"-value",sep=""), cex = 0.8),
> xaxis = list(cex = 0.6),
> panel = function(x, y){panel.bwplot(x, y, pch
> = '|',horiz=F,stats = boxplot.stats, fill = "khaki2",
varwidth = T)})))
> }
Your question assumes that we are familiar with your data, which we
are not. As the footer says, please "provide commented, minimal,
self-contained, reproducible code."