Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Two bwplots in one single graph"
2008 Jan 23
help with replacing all comma in a data frame with a dot
Dear list,
I have imported a spss data file in R, where a comma is used to separate the decimal numbers, e.g. 3,567 instead of 3.567 as in R. How can I replace the comma with a dot for all values in the data frame
a b c d e f
1 ,0925199910320613 82523 8 ,855 ,803 ,69
2 ,278314161923372 91657 26 1,285 1,032 ,823
2008 Mar 06
Repeated measures using lme
Dear list,
I am trying to do a repeated analysis using lme in R and a little bit unsure if I have set up the right statement. The problem is the IL6 (interleukin 6) was measured 5 times on each individual in each of 6 companies. The hypotheses are to see whether there is a relationship between IL6 and the total dust in each of the companies and if there is any change in IL6 across time
2007 Dec 30
Installing Rgraphviz package on a windows vista pc
I want to install Rgraphviz on a windows vista pc. The only source file that I found in the bioconductor homepage is a tar file. I can't install from this using the packages command in the R menu. I would like to get some tips on how I can do the installation.
Can I just place the extracted Rgraph folder (from the source tar file) in the library folder of R2.6.1 along with the other
2008 Mar 27
options in 'rnorm' to set the lower bound of normal distribution to 0 ?
Dear list,
I have a dataset containing values obtained from two different instruments (x and y).
I want to generate 5 samples from normal distribution for each instrument based on
their means and standard deviations. The problem is values from both instruments are
non-negative, so if using rnorm I would get some negative values. Is there any options
to determine the lower bound of normal
2006 Feb 06
turn off selected axes in bwplot
I want to turn off selected axes in bwplot. I would like to only have the bottom axis drawn, with the others off.
I have a series of bwplots that I want on one device, like this:
I know about the panel functions panel.bwplot() and panel.axis(), but
2009 Feb 26
ggplot2: labels points with different colors or idnumbers
Dear list,
Using ggplot2 I could produce both boxplot and points in the same plot but instead of points I would like to label the different
subjects with different colors or their idnumbers. Is there away to do it? Also how can I put three plots on the same graph with ggplot2?
mfrow=c(3,1) did not do the job.
> dat
group time id freq
1 1 00 0018 5.21
2 1 00 3026 3.13
2004 Nov 20
how to suppress whiskers in a bwplot?
dear R-help,
i have looked carefully through the R-help archives for information on how
to suppress whiskers in a bwplot. someone asked this question a while
ago, but the answer he received is not available in the archives.
but i did manage to get my hands on a panel function (called
"my.panel") that is supposed to do this (the function is reproduced at the
end of the email, below).
2006 Feb 26
How to produce notches in bwplot?
Dear r-helpers,
tst <- data.frame(as.numeric(x <- 1:20), f <- rep(c('hi','lo'), times
= 10))
with(tst, bwplot(f ~ x, panel = function(x, y){panel.bwplot(x, y, pch
= '|', stats = boxplot.stats, fill = 8, varwidth = T)}))
I can't figure out from the documentation how to tell stats that I
would like to see notches or (even bands).
Here is what I've
2004 Feb 16
2 bwplots - different colors
Hi all,
I would like to draw one picture which would show two different types of
boxplots using the same axes (kind of on top of each other). However, I
would like to plot each boxplot using a different color or different
shading inside the box, so they could be better distinquished from each
other... Could you help me?
Here is an example of the plot I have so far. I was only able to change
2008 Feb 19
Change the color and lines of the legend using bwplot
Dear list,
I have following plot, where I have set the color (red and green) and lines (lty=2:3) in the panel.groups but can't not figure out how change the lines and color of the legend in the "key" to the same lines and color as in the panel.groups.
bwplot(means ~ age | scales , dat, panel = "panel.superpose",
groups = sex,scales = list(x = list(rot =
2009 Feb 20
Grouped bwplots?
Dear list,
I am sorry for asking you this, but I am trying to do again what I
thought I have done before, although this time it does not work.
So, given the data set:
> testdf <- data.frame(grfak=sample(c("One","Two"),size=100,replace=TRUE), panfak= sample(c("Yes","No"),size=100,replace=TRUE), xfak=
2011 Mar 24
Colour makes my life; but not my bwplot (panel.violin)
Using Trellis, am successfully setting up a number of panels (25) in which I
have two box and violin plots.
I would like to colour - one plot as RED and the other as BLUE (in each
panel). I can do that with the box plots, but the violin density areas just
take on one colour.
My basic call is as follows:
bwplot(rmsd ~ file | code,
panel = function(...,
2008 Apr 01
set the lower bound of normal distribution to 0 ?
Tom Cohen <tom.cohen78@yahoo.se> skrev: Thanks Prof Brian for your suggestion.
I should know that for right-skewed data,
one should generate the samples from a lognormal.
My problem is that x and y are two instruments that were thought to
be measured the same thing but somehow show a wide confidence interval
of the difference between the two intruments.This may be true that
2012 Jun 13
add horizontal reference lines in lattice bwplot
I'm plotting a lattice bwplot from a data.frame and would like to add some horizontal lines indicating some reference values (preferably with text annotation) as well as a grid of regular log tics. The following illustrates the plot:
p = bwplot(exp(len) ~ supp, ToothGrowth,
panel = function(..., box.ratio) {
2010 Apr 16
bwplot puts the bars in the wrong place
Dear R-Help,
With the attached data set, I am still getting incorrect bwplots
> xyplot(gdf$tt~gdf$OnHour |gdf$Runway, data=gdf) # Is correct
> bwplot(gdf$tt~gdf$OnHour |gdf$Runway, data=gdf, horizontal=FALSE) #
Puts the boxes on the wrong x-axis values
# look especially at 0 and 3. How do I fix this?
What is happening?
Jim Rome
2008 Feb 12
help with bwplot
Dear list,
I have following data set, which I want to plot the "Scale" variable on the
x-axis and "Mean"´on the y-axis for each Ageclass and for each sex. The Mean
value of each Ageclass for each sex would be connected by a line. Totally,
there should be 6 lines, from which three present the Mean values of each
Ageclass for respective sex. Are there any easy ways to do
2005 Aug 31
label *on the side* in conditional lattice plots?
I'm doing bwplot(x ~ y | z, ...) with lattice, but would like the
z-labels to appear to the *side* of each bwplot, rather than on top...
is this possible? The main reason is that my bwplots are horizontal,
and as such can be nicely squished in the vertical axis (big
space-saver when including in papers), but the labels "get in the
way", look too large in comparison, while I have
2009 Apr 27
Changing color of points in violin plot
I am trying to graph a violin plot like the example in
panel.violin(lattice) with the singer data - see below
Does anyone know how to change the color of the boxplot on the graph
from blue to green? I tried a number of changes, but to no avail.
Thanks for your help,
bwplot(voice.part ~ height, singer,
panel = function(..., box.ratio) {
2002 Sep 25
Re-ordering the order of lattice graphics panels
Dear all
I have made some lattice graphs (bwplot(dead ~ treat | group,...).
'group' is a factor with three levels (Artemia larvae, Abalone larvae
and Abalone spat), and the result is a graph with three panels
corresponding to the levels in 'group', ordered in alphabetical order
from bottom to top, as expected.
How does one re-order the order in which the levels of
2010 Jan 12
Placing eps files from R into Adobe InDesign documents: specifying fontfamily
This is a solution I am posting for a problem that others may have.
If you want to:
1. Place lattice graphics from R into an Adobe InDesign document, and
2. Use the export as eps function in R to maximize resolution (it is much
better than exporting as a metafile or bitmap), and
3. Use long strings of text in your titles or captions or to label your
Then you will have problems because: