Richard Longland wrote:> Hi,
> Although I understand how to use expression and paste to add
> superscripts and symbols to my graphs, I have a problem with adding
> superscripts to an existing string.
> For example, I read in the following from a separate file:
> 25Mg(p,g)
> I want to convert that to superscripts etc. (in LaTex format):
> $^{25}$Mg(p,$\gamma$)
> This needs to then be put into a graph title.
> Any ideas? I know that I can just write it in using expression and
> paste, but the title is read in from a separate file.
If you explain what the rules are to use superscript or greek letters
(why is the p not converted to pi but the g to gamma, etc?), we ca help,
as an example if you read just the number from a file:
#number <- scan(that_file)
# say you read
number <- 25
plot(1:10, main=substitute(phantom()^number * Mg(p, gamma),
See ?plotmath and for automating things like this my article in R News
might help:
Ligges, U. (2002): R Help Desk: Automation of Mathematical Annotation in
Plots. R News 2 (3), 32-34.
Uwe Ligges
> Cheers for the help,
> Richard longland
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