"gallon li" <gallon.li at gmail.com> wrote in
news:54f7e7c30801272341v3082e988qa6363991df956488 at mail.gmail.com:
> Does anybody know if there is such a function to estimate the
> distribution for interval censored data?
> survfit doesn't work for this type of data as I tried various
> references.
My reading of R-help posts by Therneau and Lumley is that interval
censoring is only available for parametric estimates in the survival
It's not KM, but perhaps this will be of interest:
"Turnbull's Nonparametric Estimator for Interval-Censored Data"
Suely Ruiz Giolo
Giolo cites KLEIN, J. P, MOESCHBERGER, M. Survival Analysis. New York:
Springer Verlag, 1997, for the algorithm.
This MIT-CSAIL report says they have an available R package that handles
interval censoring and time-dependent covariates:
David Winsemius