Hello Everyone:
I'm hoping to get some suggestions on this problem i'm having with
subsetting on an R object i've created. I would really appreciate any
I've created this simple S3 class:
Class 'myObj' atomic [1:45000] 0.0428 0.0423 0.0554 0.0338 0.0345 ...
..- attr(*, "Size")= int 10
..- attr(*, "Region")= chr "EXON"
I create instances of this class by doing something like this:
ans <- structure(x,class="myObj", Size=length(i),
where x is a vector of reals.
When I subset it via ans[c(2,3,4),c(2,4,8)] I get the result I want (my
subsetting works as if its a two dimensional object for reasons I'll omit
since I don't think its pertinent to the problem).
I've written my subsetting code in C, so my R function is basically just a
wrapper function to a .Call.
"[.myObj" <- function(x, i=NA, j=NA, ...){
.. do some parameter checking...
.. then pass the data on to my C routine...
ans <- .Call("foo",as.numeric(x),as.integer(i),as.integer(j))
ans <- structure(ans,class="myObj", Size=length(i),
One of my main goals is to do this subsetting quickly (which is why i do
the subsetting in C) However, when I look at my results returned from
summaryRprof I see these 3 lines that are troubling:
total.time total.pct self.time self.pct
"[" 41.54 50.3 0.22 0.3
"[.myObj" 41.32 50.0 0.32 0.4
"as.numeric" 38.58 46.7 38.58 46.7
these times are much much longer than they should be. I'm not sure why
is called twice.
I'm guessing that its being called once for the myObj class, and once for
the underlying atomic structure of a vector of reals.
I've been looking at this issue for a while and trying to mimic other
subsetting packages but with no luck. I think the solution involves
understanding NextMethod("[") but then again I'm not so sure.
Again, I really appreciate any comments or advice!
Thanks a bunch,
Greg W.