An alternative solution that allows you to break it down by categories is in the functions below. Comments/suggestions welcome and encouraged. Note that much thanks is due to those who responded to an earlier post of mine on a similar topic. To use (assuming you have a data.frame falled pathDist with columns distances (your numeric data of interest), Capacity, Surface, and SITE (vectors of categories)): ops=c(quote(mean),quote(median),quote(sd),quote(length)) ops.desc=list(mean="Mean",median="Median",sd="S.D.",length="N") pathDist.indices=list (Surface=pathDist$Surface,Capacity=pathDist$Capacity,Site=pathDist$SITE) pathDist.bytable=bytable(pathDist$distances,pathDist.indices,ops=ops, ops.desc=ops.desc,na.rm=TRUE), pathDist.indices),caption="Path Characteristics") print(pathDist.table, type="latex",file="E:/xdrive/projects/Ghana_air/backpack_data/plots/pathDist.table.tex", include.rownames = FALSE, include.colnames = TRUE, sanitize.text.function force, tabular.environment='longtable', floating=FALSE) # Make a table by group # Usage: # print(, include.rownames = FALSE, include.colnames = TRUE, sanitize.text.function = force) # then add \usepackage{multirow} to the preamble of your LaTeX document # for longtable support, add ,tabular.environment='longtable' to the print command (plus add in ,floating=FALSE), then \usepackage{longtable} to the LaTeX preamble = function(df,,...) { # first groups must be sorted and in descending order of priority if(!is.numeric( | length(!=1) { stop(" must be a number") } # Create a by.vars vector numcols=length(colnames(df)) df.original=df # Initialize our clines variable (gives the start column of the cline for each row) clines = rep(,length(df[[1]])) # - Make grouping columns multirow - # for(b in rev(by.vars)) { # Create a groups variable for all by.vars up to the current one groups=rep("",length(df[[b]])) for(by.vars.index in 1:b) { groups = paste(groups,df.original[[by.vars.index]],sep="") } # Add multirow code to current column according to the groups pattern df[[b]] <- as.character(df[[b]]) rle.lengths <- rle(groups)$lengths first <- !duplicated(groups) df[[b]][!first] <- "" df[[b]][first] <- paste("\\multirow{", rle.lengths, "}{*}{", df[[b]][first], "}") # Store this by.var's information in the clines variable clines[first]=b } # Specify horizontal lines wherever all combinations of grouping variables change df[[1]]<-paste("\\cline{",clines,"-",numcols,"}",df[[1]],sep="") = sapply(list(rep("|c", (length(by.vars)+1) )),paste,collapse="") align.other.vars = sapply(list(rep("r|", (length(colnames(df))-length( by.vars)) )),paste,collapse="") align.df = paste("|", , "|" , align.other.vars ,sep="") xt=xtable(df, align = align.df,...) return(xt) } bytable = function(datavec,indices,ops=c(quote(mean)),ops.desc=list (mean="Mean"),na.rm=TRUE,...) { groups=as.character() combinations.others=c() # indices should be a list of grouping vectors, just like you would pass to -by-, but with sensible names for each vector if(!is.list(indices)) { stop("indices needs to be a list") } # Create a selector variable from the indices given as a list if(length(indices) > 1) { for(indexnum in length(indices):1) { groups=paste(groups,indices[[indexnum]],sep="") } } if(length(indices)==1) { groups=indices[[1]] } first=!duplicated(groups) # Initialize data frame with grouping variables (indices) bynames=dimnames(by(datavec,indices,function(x) x=1)) # run a dummy by statement to get the name order out...highly inefficient...could use indices.levels=lapply(indices,function(x) x[!duplicated(x)]) instead, as long as we're sure the ordering is the same for(indexnum in length(indices):1) { # get the number of combinations of other index levels after this one (e.g. the number of replicates we need to make of each one in this index) others.selector=rep(TRUE,length(indices)) others.selector[length(indices):indexnum]=FALSE numcombinations.others = prod(unlist(subset(lapply(bynames,length), others.selector))) # Replicate each level of this index the number of existing combinations of other indices newcolumn=rep(bynames[[indexnum]],each=numcombinations.others) if(indexnum==length(indices)) { # first run by.df=data.frame(newcolumn) } if(indexnum!=length(indices)) { # newcolumn is too short by some multiple so we have to fix that newcolumn=rep(newcolumn, length(rownames(by.df))/length(newcolumn) ) # now attach our new column by.df=cbind(by.df,newcolumn) } } colnames(by.df)<-rev(names(indices)) # Run -by- for each operation for(op in ops) { by.df[[deparse(op)]]=as.numeric(by(datavec,indices,eval(op))) colnames(by.df)[ colnames(by.df)==deparse(op) ] = ops.desc [[deparse(op)]] } if(na.rm) { #this assumes that the NA's in the last one will be the same as the NA's in all ops by.df=subset(by.df,![[length(by.df)]])) } return(by.df) } [[alternative HTML version deleted]]