Hi, I'm trying to make sense of the options for multiple comparisons options in R. I've found the following options: pairwise.t.test, which provides standard t-tests, with options for choosing an appropriate correction for multiple comparisons TukeyHSD, which provides the usual Tukey test glht(package multcomp), which provides a variety of options>From the help list, it appears that glht is the preferred approach.However, I don't understand what the options are. ?glht refers to a very technical paper on the numerical computations involved, and I couldn't find a description corresponding to the McDermott or AVE options. I did notice that the Tukey option provides the same result as TukeyHSD for balanced data. Is this the same as Tukey-Kramer? As I understand it, there is no universal consensus as to which test is best. TukeyHSD appears to be appropriate for balanced designs. I have an unbalanced design to analyze. I can use glht, but can someone tell me what each option is actually calculating? A reference to a paper that describes the procedures would be great, but I'm afraid I the one offered in ?glht[1] is beyond me. Thanks, Tyler [1] Frank Bretz, Alan Genz and Ludwig A. Hothorn (2001), On the numerical availability of multiple comparison procedures. _Biometrical Journal_, *43*(5), 645-656.
Tyler Smith a ?crit :> Hi, > > I'm trying to make sense of the options for multiple comparisons > options in R. I've found the following options:[ Snip ... ]> As I understand it, there is no universal consensus as to which test > is best.There is no such thing. Each of the procedures is aimed at some subset of the possible contrasts you may want to test. From my limited knowledge, with some(I hope not too gross) simplifications : - Tukey HSD will enable you to test the p(p-1)/2 pair differences one can create with p groups ; - Dunnett's procedure is made to compare (p-1) "treatments" to a common control ; - Scheff?'s procedure is applicable to *any* ("reasonable") set of contrasts you can form ; - Newman-Keuls : aims to create separate subset of groups (but has serious conceptual and technical flaws ! Don't do that nunless you know what you're doing...). - etc ... Those procedures have the same hypothesis as the base ANOVA : homoscedasticity, normality of residuals, etc ... Their robustness to a small departure friom these conditions vary. As a last resort, a set of non-parametric comparisons with the (overly conservative) Bonferroni adjustment may help (but less power !). You'll have to refer to the subject matter to make a choice.> TukeyHSD appears to be appropriate for balanced designs. I > have an unbalanced design to analyze.Therefore, no aov(..) (hence no TukeyHSD(aov(...))) for you...> I can use glht, but can someone > tell me what each option is actually calculating? A reference to a > paper that describes the procedures would be great, but I'm afraid I > the one offered in ?glht[1] is beyond me.Google ("multiple comparisons") will offer you some dubious and quite a few good references... HTH Emmanuel Charpentier
Possibly Parallel Threads
- Is using glht with "Tukey" for lme post-hoc comparisons an appropriate substitute to TukeyHSD?
- Multiple comparisons for a two-factor ANCOVA
- Tukey Kramer with ANOVA (glm)
- Tukey HSD plot with lines indicating (non-)significance
- TukeyHSD and glht differ for models with a covariate