I was trying to install the package"RWinEdt" in my computer with Vista
Once I finished the installation, R just cannot load this library at all,
reporting some error information. I reinstalled R and Winedit and reloaded
this package. RWinEdt seemed to register in the computer but never work
again. I searched some related information on internet. I did try using
administer privilege to install R and Winedit. Ans I also opened it by "run
as administrator". The problem still insisted. R always report following
Error in getRegistryKeyValues(createRegistryPath(path, top, isValue FALSE)) :
Error in get keys: The parameter is incorrect.
Error : .onAttach failed in 'attachNamespace'
Error: package/namespace load failed for 'RWinEdt'
If anyone can help me out on this issue? Thank you in advance.
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