"Horacio Castellini" <horacio9573 at gmail.com> wrote in message
news:90e13c0707180751y7d32d633m2930731c6f16db24 at
mail.gmail.com...> Hi all.
> I'd like know what is the format file saved by Leica
> Microsystems TCS SP2-AOBS equipped with a SP2-FCS2 Leica Microsystems
> workstation its datas. Cause it save in *.fcs extention file but
> ins't flow cytometry standart format file...
>From a Google search for "SP2-FCS2 Leica Microsystems" I found
this paper
http://jcs.biologists.org/cgi/reprint/118/24/5825.pdf that talked about
Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) data. Is is possible you have
Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) data instead of flow cytometry
(FCS) data? I've worked some with both types of FCS data.
I wrote a ConfoCor 3 Fluroescence Correlation Spectroscopy FCS viewer in R:
The software that reads that older Fluroescence Correlation Spectroscopy FCS
data was in Delphi
It would be a bit of a pain to read that older Fluroescence Correlation
Spectroscopy FCS bit stream in R. But it'slikely Leica's format is
different than Zeiss.
I have also worked with some versions of flow cytometery FCS data (e.g., see
There are different versions of that FCS standard too.
If you send me a small file, I'll see if I can recognize if it's a
I've seen.
Earl F. Glynn
Scientific Programmer
Stowers Institute for Medical Research