I do not have R code for ConfoCor2 raw data, but I'm working on some R code
to read ConfoCor3 raw data. That R example is not quite ready for public
The ConfoCor3 raw data format, which is a binary file, is quite a bit
simpler to process than ConfoCor2 raw data. IMHO, the ConfoCor2 data format
is unnecessarily complex. With ConfoCor2 two bit streams are multiplexed
into a single binary stream, and run-length compressed at the same time. I
did write a Delphi ConfoCor 2 viewer (with source code), which I'm modifying
to handle either ConfoCor 2 or 3 raw data if that is of any interest:
(I hope to update this page in the next week or two with that new version).
Diagrams on that page show how the ConfoCor2 file can be parsed. Bit
manipulations in R would be a bit of a pain IMHO.
Unfortunately, "FCS" is an overloaded acronym and some may be
interested in
"Flow Cytometery Standard" FCS data, which is a different kind of
file for a very different subject area. There is a prada package for this
other kind of FCS data. Find some additional notes about using R with this
kind of FCS data here:
Earl F. Glynn
Scientific Programmer
Stowers Institute for Medical Research
"Horacio Castellini" <horacio9573 at gmail.com> wrote in message
news:1164717998.9643.43.camel at clara.intranet.ar...
Hi all, excuse me by this elementary question. I wish to know if a
package in language R exists to analyze FCS (Fluorescence Correlation
Spectroscopy) datas. And, if it possible, in addition can read the
archives in raw format generated by the ConfoCor2 program.