The following gives two functions for producing distribution graphs: distribution-graph produces a single graph, and multiple.distribution.graph produces a number of graphs side by side. Regards, Tore Wentzel-Larsen statistician Centre for Clinical research Armauer Hansen house Haukeland University Hospital N-5021 Bergen tlf +47 55 97 55 39 (a) faks +47 55 97 60 88 (a) email tore.wentzel-larsen at Documentation: distribution.graph Description distribution.graph produces a distribution graph of the data values. Usage distribution.graph(xx, grouping=FALSE, ngroups=10, xplace=c(0,1,.5), halfband=.25, xlab='', ylab='', pch=16, lines=FALSE, lty='solid') Arguments xx numeric, a vector of values for which to produce the distribution graph. Missing values are allowed, and are disregarded. grouping logical, if FALSE (the default) the actual values are graphed, if TRUE the values are grouped before being plotted. ngroups the number of groups (default 10) if grouping=TRUE. xplace vector with three components. The first two components define the horizontal plotting range. The last component defines the horizontal placement of the centre of the distribution graph. halfband Half-length of the maximal horizontal band in the distribution Graph, from the centre outwards. The bands should be within the Horizontal plotting range. xlab, ylab x and y axis labels, as in plot.default. pch plotting symbol, default 16 (solid circle). lines logical, if FALSE (the default) only points are plotted, if TRUE the points are connected by lines. lty line type, as in plot.default. Value A frequency table for the values actually plotted. Examples # a simple distribution graph with no grouping: distribution.graph(floor(runif(100, 200, 310))) # a similar graph with vertical bars only: distribution.graph(floor(runif(100, 200, 310)), lines=TRUE, pch='') # a distribution graph with grouping (points or line bars): distribution.graph(runif(1000 ,0, 3), grouping=TRUE) distribution.graph(runif(1000, 0, 3), grouping=TRUE, lines=TRUE, pch='') # a distribution graph with grouping, 5 groups: distribution.graph(runif(1000, 0, 10), grouping=TRUE, ngroups=5) distribution.graph(rbinom(1000, 20, .7), grouping=TRUE, ngroups=5) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - multiple.distribution.graph Description multiple.distribution.graph produces a number of distribution graphs of the data values, side by side. Usage multiple.distribution.graph(xx, grouping=FALSE, ngroups=10, xleft=0, xright=1, xmiddle=.5, xband=.5, xlab=c(1:length(xx)), ylab='', pch=16, lines=FALSE, lty='solid') Arguments xx list of numeric variables, a vector of values for which to produce the distribution graph. Missing values are allowed, and are disregarded. grouping logical, if FALSE (the default) the actual values are graphed, if TRUE the values are grouped before being plotted. ngroups the number of groups (default 10) if grouping=TRUE. xleft xright xmiddle xleft and xright define the horizontal plotting range within each distribution graph. xmiddle defines the horizontal placement of the centre of each distribution graph. xband the part actually used for plotting, of the horizontal range allocated top each individual graph. xlab, ylab x and y axis labels, as in plot.default. pch plotting symbol, default 16 (solid circle). lines logical, if FALSE (the default) only points are plotted, if TRUE the points are connected by lines. lty line type, as in plot.default. Value A list of frequency tables for the values actually plotted. Examples par(ask=TRUE) multiple.distribution.graph(as.list(data.frame(matrix(runif(72),ncol=9)))) multiple.distribution.graph(as.list(data.frame(matrix(runif(72),ncol=9))), grouping=TRUE) multiple.distribution.graph(as.list(data.frame(matrix(runif(72),ncol=9))), grouping=TRUE,ngroups=3) multiple.distribution.graph(as.list(data.frame(matrix(runif(72),ncol=9))), grouping=TRUE,ngroups=3,lines=TRUE) multiple.distribution.graph(as.list(data.frame(matrix(runif(72),ncol=9))), grouping=TRUE,ngroups=3,lines=TRUE,pch='') multiple.distribution.graph(as.list(data.frame(matrix(runif(72),ncol=9))), grouping=TRUE,ngroups=5,lines=TRUE,pch='') par(ask=FALSE) # a more complicated list of numeric vectors: xx <- as.list(as.list(data.frame(matrix(runif(72,10,45),ncol=9)))) xx[[1]][c(1,3,4,8)]<- NA xx[[2]][c(2,4)]<- NA xx[[4]][c(3)]<- NA xx[[6]][c(2,5,8)]<- NA xx[[8]][c(1,2,8)]<- NA xx <- lapply(xx,stripmiss) xx[[1]][c(3)]<- NA xx[[3]][c(1,3,4,5)]<- NA xx[[4]][c(2,3)]<- NA xx[[8]][c(3,4)]<- NA multiple.distribution.graph(xx) multiple.distribution.graph(xx,grouping=TRUE,ngroups=3,lines=TRUE, pch='') multiple.distribution.graph(xx,grouping=TRUE,ngroups=3,lines=TRUE, pch='.',lty='blank') Code: - - - # auxiliary functions: stripmiss and grouping.v : # function for deleting missing values from a vector: stripmiss <- function(xx) xx[] # grouping of a vector into a specified number of # intervals of equal size: grouping.v <- function(xx,ngroups=10,eps=.001) { minx<- min(xx) maxx <-max(xx) if (minx == maxx | ngroups == 1) x2 <- xx if(ngroups==1) x2 <- mean(x2) if (minx < maxx & ngroups > 1) { x1 <- round(.5+eps + (xx - minx)*(ngroups - 2*eps)/(maxx - minx)) x2 <- minx + (x1 - 1) * (maxx - minx)/(ngroups -1) } # end if x2 } # end function grouping.v (grouping of a vector) # function for a single distribution graph: distribution.graph <- function(xx, grouping=FALSE, ngroups=10, xplace=c(0,1,.5), halfband=.25, xlab='', ylab='', pch=16, lines=FALSE, lty='solid') { x1 <- stripmiss(xx) if (grouping) x1 <- grouping.v(x1,ngroups=ngroups) xv <- as.numeric(names(table(x1))) # actual values minxv <-min(xv) maxxv <-max(xv) xn <- as.numeric(table(x1)) # number of occurences nx <- length(xv) maxn <- max(xn) plot(x=xplace[1]+(xv-minxv)*(xplace[2]-xplace[1])/ (maxxv-minxv),y=xv,xlab='',ylab='', axes=FALSE,col='white') box() axis(1,at=xplace[3],labels=xlab) axis(2) for ( in 1:nx) { n.act <- xn[] if (n.act==1) xpositions.act <- xplace[3] if (n.act > 1) { halfband.act <- halfband * n.act/maxn left.act <- xplace[3] - halfband.act right.act <- xplace[3] + halfband.act xpositions.act <- left.act + (0:(n.act-1)) * (right.act - left.act)/(n.act-1) } # end if n.act > 1 if (!lines) points(x=xpositions.act,y=rep(xv[],n.act),pch=pch) if (lines) points(x=xpositions.act,y=rep(xv[],n.act), pch=pch,type='o',lty=lty) } # end for xvalue distribution <- x1 table(distribution) } # end function distribution.graph par(ask=TRUE) distribution.graph(floor(runif(100,200,310))) distribution.graph(floor(runif(100,200,310)),lines=TRUE,pch='.') distribution.graph(runif(1000,0,3),grouping=TRUE) distribution.graph(runif(1000,0,3),grouping=TRUE,lines=TRUE,pch='') distribution.graph(runif(1000,0,10),grouping=TRUE,ngroups=5) distribution.graph(rbinom(1000,20,.7),grouping=TRUE,ngroups=5) par(ask=FALSE) # function for several distribution graphs in the same plot: multiple.distribution.graph <- function(xx, grouping=FALSE, ngroups=10, xleft=0, xright=1, xmiddle=.5, xband=.5, xlab=c(1:length(xx)), ylab='', pch=16, lines=FALSE, lty='solid') { xx <- lapply(xx,stripmiss) # remove missing values if (grouping) xx <- lapply(xx,grouping.v,ngroups=ngroups) xtable <- lapply(xx,table) xtable.values <- lapply(lapply(xtable,names),as.numeric) xtable.freq <- lapply(xtable,as.numeric) max.freq <- max(as.numeric(lapply(xtable.freq,max)),na.rm=TRUE) min.value <- min(as.numeric(lapply(xtable.values,min)),na.rm=TRUE) max.value <- max(as.numeric(lapply(xtable.values,max)),na.rm=TRUE) ncomp <- length(xx) plot.xtotal<- xleft + c(0,ncomp) * (xright - xleft) plot.ytotal<- c(min.value,max.value) plot.mids <- xleft + c(0:(ncomp-1)) * (xright - xleft) + xmiddle plot(x=plot.xtotal,y=plot.ytotal,xlab='',ylab=ylab, xlim=plot.xtotal,ylim=plot.ytotal, axes=FALSE,col='white') box() axis(1,at=plot.mids,labels=xlab) axis(2) for (comp in 1:ncomp) { left.outer <- xleft + (comp - 1) * (xright - xleft) right.outer <- xleft + comp * (xright - xleft) mid <- plot.mids[comp] max.freq.comp <- max(xtable.freq[[comp]],na.rm=TRUE) values.comp <- xtable.values[[comp]] nvalues.comp <- length(values.comp) freq.comp <- xtable.freq[[comp]] maxband.comp <- xband * ((xright - xleft)/2) * max.freq.comp / max.freq if (comp==1) abline(v=left.outer,lty=lty) abline(v=right.outer,lty=lty) for (nr in 1:nvalues.comp) { <- values.comp[nr] <- freq.comp[nr] <- mid - maxband.comp * <- mid + maxband.comp * if ( points(x=mid,,pch=pch) if (>1 & !lines) points( + c(0:(* (,y=rep(,,pch=pch) if (>1 & lines) points( + c(0:(* (,y=rep(,, pch=pch,type='o',lty=lty) } # end for } # end for comp lapply(xx,table) } # end function multiple.distribution.graph