assuming you are doing a Cox-PH-Model, you can check:
There it says that the components 'residuals' refers to the martingale
residuals. I hope I recall it correctly but there exists a simple
relation between the martingale residuals ('mgr') and the unmodified
cox-snell residuals ('ucs'):
ucs = delta - mgr
where delta refers to your event indicator (0=censored, 1=event).
I don't have the books with me at the moment, but I think I learned
about residuals in a survival context either in Klein/Moeschberger:
Survival Analysis or in Tableman/Sung Kim: Survival Analysis Using S
I hope this helps,
Murray Pung wrote:> Is there an implementation of the Cox-Snell residuals / Nelson-Aalen plot
> for goodness of fit?
> Or otherwise is there an appropriate Goodness of Fit diagnostic?
> Thanks
> Murray