Hi, I'm not a statistician so sorry for possible trivial questions ... I want to perform a GoF test on sample data against several distribution (like Extreme Value, Phase Type, Pareto, ...). Since I suspect a long-tailed behaviour on data I want to use Anderson-Darling (AD) GoF test because it's well known it's more sensible to tail data. Looking at R packages the only AD test is the AD normality test ("ad.test") in the "nortest" package. So I think this function is not for me since long-tailed samples aren't normally distribuited (right?!) I've found the Marsaglia article ("Evaluating the Anderson Darling distribution") where it seems I can consider the ECDF (empirical CDF) and the theoretical as a uniformly [0,1] distributed data and then perform the test like I had to compare two uniform distribution. The problem is the theoretical CDF (i.e. the parameters of theoretical distribution) has been estimated from the data against which I want to make the test. I've read somewhere it's not a good technique to compare the distribution with the above way because the resulting AD test might be biased. So, finally, I don't know how to proceed ... Can anyone give me a help or any reference (please remember I'm not a statistician so do not write too technically)?? Thanks a lot to everyone!! -- Marco [[alternative HTML version deleted]]