Hello, I am writing down a general function to implement the bootstrapF method for repeated measures anova. I am passing the function several data frames: y = dependent subj = subject identifiers b = between-subjects factors (number = NB) w = within-subjects factors (number = NW) after grouping of all these variables in a single data frame the aov() call looks like this: y~b1*b2*...*bNB*w1*w2*...*wNW+Error(subj/(w1*w2*...*wNW)) Now, I am stuck at trying to have the bootstrapF function creating automatically a call to aov(). I was thinking about passing the call as a string, but I am not sure this is possible (and can't find references to such a method using RSiteSearch() ). I am also wondering whether this could be done in a more elegant way. Thank you, Bruno ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bruno L. Giordano, Ph.D. Music Perception and Cognition Laboratory CIRMMT http://www.cirmmt.mcgill.ca/ Schulich School of Music, McGill University 555 Sherbrooke Street West Montr?al, QC H3A 1E3 Canada Office: +1 514 398 4535 ext. 00900 http://www.music.mcgill.ca/~bruno/