Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1209 matches for "aov".
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2010 Jan 09
aov function syntax
I have a simple question about using the aov function syntax (ie. * + or :)
for the interaction of 2 factors. I have read the help files, and researched
other sites, and have included my source files. My goal is to measure the
signifigance of the interaction between population and condition (aka.
population:condition). I can't seem to fig...
2007 Jan 15
model simplification in repeated anova
Hi, I've done a repeated ANOVA looking as follows:
Now I want to get rid of some or all of the interactions. But neither
AIC nor anova work. What is the appropriate function to test my model?
2008 Oct 29
how to get the value of aov summary into another variable
I have a question of aov. e.g.
aov.ex = aov(x~y)
The aov summary will print to the screen. How can I extract the aov
result, in particular the values of Pr(>F) and F value into a vector
so that I can use them for other use?
Waverley @ Palo Alto
2010 Mar 17
define F-ratio computations with aov
Greetings to all,
This is my model: aov.fit<-aov(Y~A+B+C+D+E+A:C+A:E)
In summary(aov.fit) all F values are comptuted by eg MS(A)/MS(Residuals). This is not correct (or what I want), except for F(B) and F(A:E). I suppose P values are not correct either.
Is it possible with aov to define the way F computations will be done? I 'd l...
2003 Mar 22
extracting the names of the dataframe and variables in aov or lm
Dear R Users,
I want to write a function that applies to the dataframe and variables
that were used in a previous call to lm or aov. In order to do this, I
need to write a function that applies to the output of lm or aov, and
yields the names of the dataframe and variables that were used in the lm
or aov analysis.
For example, suppose that I give the command:
aov.out <- aov( Rt ~ Vis*Cmplx*Isi, data = Rt.data)
I want t...
2008 Nov 26
S4 slot containing either aov or NULL
Dear listmembers,
I would like to define a class with a slot that takes either an object
of class aov or NULL. I have been reading "S4 Classes in 15 pages more
or less" and "Lecture: S4 classes and methods"
#First I tried with list and NULL
setIs("list", "listOrNULL")
setIs("NULL", "listOrNULL")
#doesn't wo...
2007 Jun 28
aov and lme differ with interaction in oats example of MASS?
Dear R-Community!
The example "oats" in MASS (2nd edition, 10.3, p.309) is calculated for aov and lme without interaction term and the results are the same.
But I have problems to reproduce the example aov with interaction in MASS (10.2, p.301) with lme. Here the script:
options(contrasts = c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly"))
# aov: Y ~ N +...
2009 Mar 16
the effect of blocking on the size of confidence intervals - analysis using aov
...at both:
(1) the between target variance, and
(2) the within target and between query variance contribute in large
part to the overall variance.
Thus, differences between the different levels of "method", should be
emphasised by blocking on "target" or "query".
> m.aov = aov(formula = response ~ method + Error(target/query), data = d)
> summary( m.aov )
Error: target
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Residuals 27 18.8539 0.6983
Error: target:query
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Residuals 56 3.15927 0.05642
Error: Within...
2010 Apr 21
How to obtain the coefficients from a summary of aov ?
Dear Madame, Dear Sir,
I am able to obtain the coefficients from a 'summary' of 'lm', but NOT from a 'summary' of 'aov'.
The following example shows my steps.
## Initialize
rm(list = ls()) # remove (almost) everything in the working environment
utils::data(npk, package="MASS") # get data
model <- yield ~ block + N*P*K
## Using lm
npk.lm <- lm(model, npk)
( s.npk.lm <- summary(npk.lm) )
2007 May 28
where did the factor name go
...<- data.frame(y=rnorm(12), a=factor(rep(letters[1:4],3)))
> tmp
y a
1 -0.60866099 a
2 0.55500538 b
3 0.12231693 c
4 -0.24613790 d
5 -0.09253593 a
6 -1.54652581 b
7 0.17204210 c
8 -1.22778942 d
9 1.22151194 a
10 -0.43982577 b
11 -1.25444287 c
12 -0.97251060 d
> tmp.aov <- aov(y ~ a, data=tmp)
> summary(tmp.aov)
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
a 3 1.5220 0.5073 0.6973 0.5794
Residuals 8 5.8209 0.7276
> dump("tmp.aov")
> rm(tmp.aov)
> source("dumpdata.R")
> ls()
[1] "tmp"...
2005 May 20
Problem with proj
...riate post, but I've found a bug in proj
I'd like to track down a bit further before making a formal bug report.
The example below shows the problem, if you change the rownames proj
fails. The problem seems to be that there is a mismatch in the rownames
in the qr objects constructed by aov and the rownames that proj is
expecting them to have. My question is - should I be trying to
1. correct the rownames of the qr object that aov makes, or is this
likely to create other problems
2. change the way proj does its subsetting?
Or is this something that is likely to be quite tricky an...
2010 Nov 16
Hi everyone,
I'm having a little trouble with working out what formula is better to use
for a repeated measures two way anova. I have two factors, L (five levels)
and T (two levels). L and T are both crossed factors (all participants do
all combinations). So, I do:
But get different results with:
Rather, the lme results are the same as those with the formula
I know most people advocate the use of lme r...
2006 Jan 06
lmer p-vales are sometimes too small
...at the problem will be fixed in a future release of the
lme4 package?
Using simulated data for a quite standard mixed-model anova (a balanced
two-way design; see code for the function SimMixed pasted below), I
compared the output of lmer, for three slightly different models, with
the output of aov. For an example where there is no fixed treatment
effect (null hypothesis is true), with 4 blocks, 2 treatments, and 40
observations per treatment-block combination, I find that lmer gives
more statistical significances than it should, whereas aov does not have
this problem. An example of outpu...
2002 Sep 06
Using Anova Sums of Squares
Dear all,
I'm trying to access the Sums of Squares resulting from a summary(aov(....)) so I can use them in a function. Is there an easy way to access these?
The structure of a summary.aov object is something like this:
> str(summary(fhc.aov))
List of 5
$ Error: PPNR :List of 1
..$ :Classes anova and `data.frame': 1 obs. of 5 variables:
.. ..$ Df :...
1998 May 29
aov design questions
R developers,
I have a first attempt to make an aov function. Eventually I want to
build in Error() structure, but first I am trying to get this
presentable for balanced data with only a single stratum, just using
residual error. I am following R. M. Heiberger's Computation for the
Analysis of Designed Experiments, Wiley (1989)...
2005 Mar 10
contrast matrix for aov
...c( lh_cueL, lh_cueR, rh_cueL, rh_cueR )
cuelabels <- c("CueLeft", "CueRight")
hemlabels <- c("LH", "RH")
roiDataframe <- data.frame( roi=roiValues, Subject=gl(8,1,32,subjectlabels),
Hemisphere=gl(2,16,32,hemlabels), Cue=gl(2,8,32,cuelabels) )
roi.aov <- aov(roi ~ (Cue*Hemisphere) + Error(Subject/(Cue*Hemisphere)),
I've tried to create a contrast matrix like this:
cm <- contrasts(roiDataframe$Cue)
which gives the main effect contrasts for the Cue f...
2002 Jul 05
balance in AoV (was aov() and NaN)
<ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hint 2: in the absence of balance, ...., and lme can do that
Would it be possible to make aov like wrappers to the various special lm variants
allowing for a uniform syntax for anova?
aov(resp~f1*f2+Error(S/(f1*f2))) ## uses lm
aov.lme(resp~f1*f2+Error(S/(f1*f2))) ## uses lme
aov.rlm(resp~f1*f2+Error(S/(f1*f2))) ## uses rlm
I'd do it, but I do not nearly understand enough of the...
2005 Nov 08
Type II and III sums of squares with Error in AOV
I've recently run into the problem of using aov with nested factors,
and wanting to get the type II and III sums of squares. Normally Anova
from the car package would do fine, but it doesn't like having an Error
included, so
my.aov <-aov(Response ~ Treatment + Error(Treatment:Replicate))
Anova(my.aov, type="II")
2001 May 20
No subject
I performed an aov() analysis and got the following results:
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
block 1 0.0040 0.0040 0.3282 0.5672
Residuals 269 3.2766 0.0122
Can anyone tell me how to extract the F value column and Pr(>F) column
from the summary output of aov analysis?
Many thanks in advan...
2008 May 28
Tukey HSD (or other post hoc tests) following repeated measures ANOVA
...that even I could understand... ;-)
Now, I want to calculate a post-hoc test following up a within-subjects ANOVA.
The dv is reaction time (RT), there is a 3-level Condition factor
(Cond; within-subjects), a number of subjects (Subj), and the
dataframe is called WMU3C.
The model is
> RT.aov <- aov(RT~Cond + Error(Subj/Cond), WMU3C)
I understand that TukeyHSD only works with an aov object, but that
RT.aov is an aovlist object.
> class(RT.aov)
[1] "aovlist" "listof"
I've tried to work around it using the "maiz" example in the MMC