Dear R-Users, my objective is to measure the overlap/divergence of two probability density functions, p1(x) and p2(x). One could apply the chi-square test or determine the potential mixture components and then compare the respective means and sigmas. But I was rather looking for a simple measure of similarity. Therefore, I used the concept of 'intrinsic discrepancy' which is defined as: \delta{p_{1},p_{2}} = min \left\{ \int_{\chi}p_{1}(x)\log \frac{p_{1}(x)}{p_{2}(x)}dx, \int_{\chi}p_{2}(x)\log\frac{p_{2}(x)}{p_{1}(x)}dx \right\} The smaller the delta the more similar are the distributions (0 when identical). I implemented this in 'R' using an adaptation of the Kullback-Leibler divergence. The function works, I get the expected results. The question is how to interpret the results. Obviously a delta of 0.5 reflects more similarity than a delta of 2.5. But how much more? Is there some kind of a statistical test for such an index (other than a simulation based evaluation)? Thanks in advance, Daniel Daniel Doktor PhD Student Imperial College Royal School of Mines Building, DEST, RRAG Prince Consort Road London SW7 2BP, UK tel: 0044-(0)20-7589-5111-59276(ext) [[alternative HTML version deleted]]