> I am using ggplot with the aesthetic=list(..., colour=x, ...)
> ggplot()
> ggline()
> I have four different values in x ("ren", "cyn",
"mixed", "bare") and I
> have two questions
> 1) I would like to assign specific colours to the values, i.e. green,
> red, blue and brown. How can I do this? I did not understand
> map_colour_brewer.
There's not really an easy way to do this at the moment. However, you
can create a new variable containing the colours you want to use and
then use a manual scale so they aren't converted automatically:
df$colour <-
p <- ggplot(data=df, aes=list(x=x,y=y,colour=colour)
scmanual(p, "colour")
> 2) I don't want the legend top be plot. How can I disable the legend to
> be plotted?
If you use a manual scale (as above) there won't be a legend, or more
generally you can do:
p$legend.position <- "none"
to turn of the legend (see ?ggopt for other options)