weidong zhang wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have some questions on using library rpart. Given my data below, the
> plotcp gives me increasing 'xerrors' across different cp's with
> xstd (plot attached). What causes the problem or it's not a problem at
> all? I am thinking 'xerror's should be decreasing when 'cp'
> smaller.
No. Why? BTW: It's calculated by cross validation.
> Also what the 'xstd' really tells us? If the error bars
for> each xerror overlap for different cp's, does that mean we don't
> significant improvement for misclassification rate when we split the tree?
> My data have are two classes with 138 observations and 129 attributes.
Your problem is called overfitting, I guess.
Are you sure the class variable can be "explained" by the other
variables in a way? Do you think the linear and othogonal separation of
classes is appropriate for your problem?
You might want to look into a good book on Classification Theory.
Uwe Ligges
> Here is what I did:
>> dim(man.dat[,c(1,8:136)])
> [1] 138 130
>> man.dt1 <- rpart(Target~.,data=man.dat[,c(1,8:136)],
>> method='class',cp=1e-5,
>> plotcp(man.dt1)
>> printcp(man.dt1)
> Classification tree:
> rpart(formula = Target ~ ., data = man.dat[, c(1, 8:136)], method =
> "class",
> parms = list(split = "information"), cp = 1e-05)
> Variables actually used in tree construction:
> [1] CHX.V CYN.Cu SPF.Bi
> Root node error: 25/138 = 0.18116
> n= 138
> CP nsplit rel error xerror xstd
> 1 0.18667 0 1.00 1.00 0.18098
> 2 0.00001 3 0.44 1.12 0.18897
> I would appreciate your help on this,
>> Weidong
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