Benjamin Dickgiesser wrote:> Hi,
> I am new to R and am still trying to get a grip of it.
> I have data in this format:
> Run Lab Batch Y
> 1 1 1 1 608.781
> 2 2 1 2 569.670
> 3 3 1 1 689.556
> 4 4 1 2 747.541
> 5 5 1 1 618.134
> 6 6 1 2 612.182
> 7 7 1 1 680.203
> 8 8 1 2 607.766
> 9 9 1 1 726.232
> and I want to make a boxplot of the Y values for each Batch. How would
> I go about this?
> I tried
> boxplot(data.ceramic[ data.ceramic$Batch == "1", ]$Y ~
> data.ceramic$Batch == "2", ]$Y, horizontal=T,xlab="Y",
> but was completley wrong
Here are a few ideas, assuming your data are in the df data.frame:
par(las=1, mar=c(7,10,7,7))
boxplot(Y ~ BATCH, data = df, horizontal = TRUE, names=c("Batch1",
boxplot(Y ~ BATCH, data = subset(df, LAB == 1), horizontal = TRUE,
names=c("Batch1", "Batch2"))
boxplot(Y ~ BATCH + LAB, data = df, horizontal = TRUE, names
paste("Lab", rep(1:8, each = 2), "/Batch", rep(1:2, 8), sep
= ""))
bwplot(BATCH ~ Y, data = df, horizontal=TRUE)
bwplot(BATCH ~ Y | LAB, data = df, horizontal=TRUE, layout=c(1,8,1))
> Thank you for your help.
> Ben
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