On Mon, 2006-10-09 at 13:25 +0200, Ren? J.V. Bertin
wrote:> Hello,
> Since I (finally) upgraded to 10.4 "Tiger", I've been
> some strange behaviour with dynamic libraries.
> When I now launch R, and try to use the loess() function from the
> stats package, I get the following:
> > R
Seems you have a .RData lurking in he directory you started R from. This
might be causing the problem.
R --vanilla
and see if it works then. It works fine for me on Linux (FC5) for
example in a clean workspace. Apologies if this is a red herring and
works fine with --vanilla.
> R version 2.4.0 (2006-10-03)
> Copyright (C) 2006 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
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> Type 'q()' to quit R.
> [Previously saved workspace restored]
> > example(loess)
> loess> cars.lo <- loess(dist ~ speed, cars)
> Error: object "R_loess_raw" not found
> I saw this first with a self-built 2.3.1 version, that worked fine
> under 10.3 . Hoping that a Tiger build would solve matters, I
> installed the fresh 2.4.0 from the downloaded disk image. As you can
> see, the error message persists.
> Curiously, the ppc/stats.so file somewhere deep in the 2.4 framework's
> bowels does contain a symbol loess_raw, but not R_loess_raw. I wrote a
> quick C app that dlopens a .so file and then tries to obtain a given
> symbol from it using dlsym. I can't seem to get any of the defined
> symbol from stats.so . I'd say my little loader is broken somewhere,
> BUT ...
> This does remind me of a problem I had with a Python module
> (pygame/constants), where the expected init function (initconstants)
> was available but invisible to dlsym(). In that case, changing the
> module (and init function's) name solved the issue, I still don't
> understand why.
> This is really annoying, so if anyone has an idea about what might be
> going on, I'd appreciate the feedback!
> BTW, I did try building my own copy, but for some reason, the
> configure/build process ignores the optimised BLAS in the vecLib
> framework ...
> Ren? Bertin
> (PS: please CC me via email if you reply)
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