I doubt if /opt/acml3.5.0/gnu/lib is in your library path (it might be in
your ldcache paths). So you need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH or supply -L....
Look in config.log to find out what actually happened.
BTW: this was more of an R-devel question than R-help.
On Sat, 22 Jul 2006, Evan Cooch wrote:
> Greetings -
> I'm trying to compile R under GNU/Linux (RHEL 4) on a multi-Opteron
> with ACML support.
> First, I downloaded and installed ACML 3.5 - GNU version, although I'm
> not entirely sure what the differences are - from the AMD website. The
> ACML libraries were installed to /opt/acml3.5.0/
> Second, I ran ./configure --with-blas='-lacml'
> The configure went fine, except that at the end of the output, it
> reports that readline is the only external library configured.
> External libraries: readline
> OK, so next, I try
> ./configure --with-lapack
> Same think - only readline is referenced.
> So, clearly, I'm missing a particular step. I'm guessing that I
need to
> change some environment variable (or two), or tweak something at some
> other stage, to get R to properly reference the ACML libraries. I'm
> puzzled why --with-blas='-acml' doesn't do the trick?
> Suggestions? Pointers to the obvious mistake?
> Thanks...
Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
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