Last year I found another Jonckheere-Terpstra function at
Using that and the version in SAGx and wanting a few other options, I
created the version below.
Hope it is useful,
Christopher Andrews, PhD
SUNY Buffalo, Department of Biostatistics
j.test <- function(x, y,
alternative = c("two.sided", "decreasing",
asymp=TRUE, correct=FALSE, perm=0, na.action=c("omit",
permgraph=FALSE, permreps=FALSE, ...) {
#Jonckheere-Terpstra test
#x = response
#y = group membership
#alternative hypothesis
#asymptotic = asymptotic formula for variance or don't bother
#correct = continuity correction
#perm = number of repetitions for a permutation test
#na.action = what to do with missing data
#permgraph = draw a histogram of the permutations?
#permreps = return the permutations?
#... for graph
alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
complete <- complete.cases(x,y)
nn <- sum(complete)
cat(nn, "complete cases.\n")
if (!all(complete) && (na.action=="fail")) {
cat("option na.action is 'fail' and",
sum(!complete), "cases are not complete.\n")
response <- x[complete]
groupvec <- y[complete, drop=TRUE]
if(!is.ordered(groupvec)) {
groupvec <- as.ordered(groupvec)
cat("y was not an ordered factor. Redefined to be one.\n")
lev <- levels(groupvec)
nlev <- length(lev)
if(nlev <= 2) {
if (nlev < 2) {
cat("Not enough groups (k =", nlev, ") for
} else {
cat("Two groups. Could use wilcox.test.\n")
computestat <- function(response, groupvec, n.groups) {
pairwise <- function(x, y) {
length(x)*(length(y) + (1+length(x))/2) -
for (i in seq(n.groups-1))
for (j in seq(i+1, n.groups))
H <- H+pairwise(response[groupvec == lev[i]], response[groupvec
== lev[j]])
retval <- list(statistic=computestat(response, groupvec, nlev),
alternative = paste(alternative,
two.sided = ", ", decreasing= " > ", increasing
= " < ")),
sep=": "),
method = "Jonckheere",
data.name = paste(deparse(substitute(x)), "by",
if (asymp) {
ns <- tabulate(as.numeric(groupvec))
retval$EH <- (nn * nn - sum(ns * ns))/4
retval$VH <- if (!any(duplicated(response))) {
(nn * nn * (2 * nn + 3) - sum(ns * ns * (2 * ns + 3)))/72
} else {
ds <- as.vector(table(response))
((nn*(nn-1)*(2*nn+5) - sum(ns*(ns-1)*(2*ns+5)) -
sum(ds*(ds-1)*(2*ds+5)))/72 +
sum(ns*(ns-1)*(ns-2))*sum(ds*(ds-1)*(ds-2))/(36*nn*(nn-1)*(nn-2)) +
sum(ns*(ns-1))*sum(ds*(ds-1))/(8*nn*(nn - 1)))
pp <- if (!correct) {
pnorm(retval$statistic, retval$EH, sqrt(retval$VH))
} else if (retval$statistic >= retval$EH + 1) {
pnorm(retval$statistic - 1, retval$EH, sqrt(retval$VH))
} else if (retval$statistic <= retval$EH - 1) {
pnorm(retval$statistic + 1, retval$EH, sqrt(retval$VH))
} else {
retval$p.value <- switch(alternative,
two.sided = 2*min(pp,1-pp), decreasing = pp, increasing = 1-pp)
if (perm>0) {
reps <- numeric(perm)
for (i in seq(perm)) {
reps[i] <- computestat(response, sample(groupvec), nlev)
retval$EH.perm <- mean(reps)
retval$VH.perm <- var(reps)
ppp <- if (!correct) {
pnorm(retval$statistic, retval$EH.perm, sqrt(retval$VH.perm))
} else if (retval$statistic >= retval$EH.perm + 1) {
pnorm(retval$statistic - 1, retval$EH.perm, sqrt(retval$VH.perm))
} else if (retval$statistic <= retval$EH.perm - 1) {
pnorm(retval$statistic + 1, retval$EH.perm, sqrt(retval$VH.perm))
} else {
retval$p.value.perm <- switch(alternative,
two.sided = 2*min(ppp,1-ppp), decreasing = ppp, increasing = 1-ppp)
rr <- rank(c(retval$statistic, reps))[1]/(perm+2)
retval$p.value.rank <- switch(alternative,
two.sided = 2*min(rr,1-rr), decreasing = rr, increasing = 1-rr)
if (permreps)
retval$reps <- reps
if (permgraph) {
hist(reps, xlab="Jonckheere Statistic", prob=TRUE,
main="Histogram of Permutations", sub=paste(perm,
abline(v=retval$statistic, col="red")
points((-3:3)*sqrt(retval$VH.perm)+retval$EH.perm, rep(0,7),
class(retval) <- "htest"
names(retval$statistic) <- "J"
#returns list (of class htest) with the following components
#statistic = value of J
#alternative = same as input
#method = "Jonckheere"
#data.name = source of data based on call
#Most of the time (i.e., when asymp=TRUE):
#EH = expected value based on sample size
#VH = variance (adjusted for ties if necessary)
#p.value = asymptotic p value
#Sometimes (i.e., when perm>0):
#EH.perm = expected value based on permutations
#VH.perm = variance based on permutations
#p.value.perm = p value based on normal approximation to permutations
#p.value.rank = p value based on rank within permutation
#perms = vector of permutation.
j.test(rnorm(54), ordered(rep(letters[1:27],2)), na.action="fail")
j.test(rnorm(54), ordered(rep(letters[1:27],2)), na.action="omit",
asymp=FALSE, perm=1000)
j.test(ttt <- rnorm(54), ordered(rep(letters[1:2],27)), alt="d")
wilcox.test(ttt ~ordered(rep(letters[1:2],27)), correct=FALSE,
exact=FALSE, alt="g")
#Higgins p 178 Example
totals <- c(10,12,17,30,9,9,11,35,7,8,12,43)
tlevels <- factor(c("A", "B", "C"),
levels=c("A", "B", "C"),
labels=c("A", "B", "C"),
Treatment <- rep(
rep(tlevels, each=4)
, times = totals)
rlevels <- factor(c("Severe", "Moderate",
"Slight", "None"),
levels=rev(c("Severe", "Moderate", "Slight",
labels=rev(c("Severe", "Moderate", "Slight",
Response <- rep(
rep(rlevels, times=3)
, times=totals)
result <- j.test(Response, Treatment, alt="t", perm=1000,
permgraph=TRUE, correct=TRUE)
# note that the standard print does not report the permutation pvalues.
# But they are there