Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20 matches for "nlev".
Did you mean:
2009 Mar 06
I am doing kernel density plots, and am trying to make the lines thicker. I
comparing three groups, in sm.density.compare. I tried changing lwd to make
the line sthicker right on the density compare call, but was not able to do
it. There is not an option in sm.options to specify line thickness, as well
as cex.ylab or cex.xlab- I tried it and it does not change the thickness of
the lines.
2008 Jul 03
subset function within a function
...t works
outside a function.
LIS[[i]]<- lapply(LI, subset, select=cov[[i]])
However, wrapped inside a function this statement
produces the same values for every LIS[[1]] which
is only the first subset of LI.
Does anyone know why is not working correctly inside
a function?
ff = factor(covariate)
nLev <- nlevels(ff)
cov <- vector(mode="list",length=nLev)
for (gp in 1:nLev) {
cov[[gp]] <- covariate == levels(ff)[gp] }
LIS <- vector(mode="list",length=nLev)
#if (SINGLE == T ) LIS[[1]] <- LI else {}
for (i in 1:nLev)
LIS[[i]]<- lapply(LI, subset, select=cov[...
2018 Mar 24
Function 'factor' issues
I am trying once again.
By just changing
f <- match(xlevs[f], nlevs)
f <- match(xlevs, nlevs)[f]
, function 'factor' in R devel could be made more consistent and back-compatible. Why not picking it?
On Sat, 25/11/17, Suharto Anggono Suharto Anggono <suharto_anggono at yahoo.com> wrote:
Subject: Re...
2009 Apr 17
cast function in package reshape
Hello R useRs,
I have a function which returns a list of functions :
freq1 <- function(x) {
lev <- unique(x[!is.na(x)])
nlev <- length(lev)
args <- alist(x=)
if (nlev == 1) {
body <- c("{", "sum(!is.na(x))", "}")
f <- function() {}
formals(f) <- as.pairlist(args)
body(f) <- parse(text = body)
namef <- paste("freq", as.character(nlev), s...
2017 Nov 25
Function 'factor' issues
...I saw attempts to speed up subsetting and 'match', and to cache results of conversion of small nonnegative integers to character string. That's good.
I am sorry for pushing, still.
Is the partial new behavior of function 'factor' with respect to NA really worthy?
match(xlevs, nlevs)[f] looks nice, too.
- Using
f <- match(xlevs, nlevs)[f]
instead of
f <- match(xlevs[f], nlevs)
for remapping
- Remapping only if length(nlevs) differs from length(xlevs)
Applying changes similar to above to function 'levels<-.factor' will not change 'levels<-.factor'...
2012 Nov 05
Another code to drop factor levels
...ver, I am proposing the code below that I wrote. In some occasions, it was faster than applying function 'factor'. In any case, there is no restriction for anyone to use the code below.
droplevels2 <- function(x) {
if (is.null(levels(x)))
stop("no 'levels' attribute")
nlev <- length(levels(x))
y <- unclass(x)
tb <- tabulate(y, nlev)
used <- as.logical(tb)
tb[used] <-
y[] <- tb[y]
levels(y) <- levels(x)[used]
attr(y, "class") <-
attr(x, "class")
Alternatively, one may use 'levels<-.factor&...
2007 Jan 28
plot.lm (PR#9474)
...is not correctly produced.
The labels on the x-axis are sorted correctly by magnitude of the
fitted value, but the data are plotted in the original factor order.
I changed
facval[ord] <- facval
xx <- facval
plot(facval, rs, xlim = c(-1/2, sum((nlev - 1) *
# facval[ord] <- facval
xx <- facval[ord]
plot(xx, rs, xlim = c(-1/2, sum((nlev - 1) *
in the "if (isConst.hat)" section of "show[5]". The data then
plotted correctly but the extreme point labels did not move.
2006 Jun 29
Biobass, SAGx, and Jonckheere-Terpstra test
Hi list,
I tried to load the package SAGx and failed because it complains it's
looking for the Biobass which is not there. Then I looked up the package
list and Biobass is not found.
I'm trying to run the Jonckheere-Terpstra test and from what I see in
the R archive, SAGx is the only place it's been implemented.
> library(SAGx)
Loading required package: multtest
Loading required
2017 Oct 21
Function 'factor' issues
My idea (like in https://bugs.r-project.org/bugzilla/attachment.cgi?id=1540 ):
- For remapping, use
f <- match(xlevs, nlevs)[f]
instead of
f <- match(xlevs[f], nlevs)
(I have mentioned it).
- Remap only if length(nlevs) differs from length(xlevs) .
On use of 'order' in function 'factor' in R devel, factor.Rd still says 'sort.list' in "Details" section.
My comments on the part of...
2024 Jun 15
Hard crash of lme4 in R-devel
-- more lines than I can capture --
= NULL, verbose = 0L, control = list(optimizer = "nloptwrap", restart_edge = TRUE, boundary.tol = 1e-05, calc.derivs = TRUE, use.last.params = FALSE, checkControl = list(check.nobs.vs.rankZ = "ignore", check.nobs.vs.nlev = "stop", check.nlev.gtreq.5 = "ignore", check.nlev.gtr.1 = "stop", check.nobs.vs.nRE = "stop", check.rankX = "message+drop.cols", check.scaleX = "warning", check.formula.LHS = "stop"),...
2012 Jan 19
Legend problem in line charts
Hi all,
Small problem in generating the line charts.
Question: Legend for the first graph is coming wrong., for second graph correctly. Please fix the legend postion at the down of graph.
Plesae give me the solution.
Thank you
Orange1 <- structure(list(REFID = c(7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8,
8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9), ARM = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1,
1, 1, 2, 2, 2,
2005 Apr 19
controlling the x axis of boxplots
v 2.0.1 (sooooh old!) on Win2k
I think I know the answer to this but I can hope ...
I have data for continuous variables (measures of residents) by a
categorical variable in range (1,22), the units in which they live.
I want to plot these data with a pair of boxplots one above another
with same x-axis (1,22) using par(mfrow=c(2,1)) and then plotting
first for the women then for the men.
2008 May 20
contr.treatments query
...0 0
contr.treatment(3, base=1, contrasts=FALSE)
# 1 2 3
# 1 1 0 0
# 2 0 1 0
# 3 0 0 1
contr.treatment(3, base=1, contrasts=TRUE)
# 2 3
# 1 0 0
# 2 1 0
# 3 0 1
I can follow the last two fine -- they are what is implied
by the code for contr.treatment().
contrasts(factor(Nlevs <-c(1,2,3)))
# 2 3
# 1 0 0
# 2 1 0
# 3 0 1
But why the different result when applied to N?
With thanks,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <Ted.Harding at manchester.ac.uk>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 20-May-08...
2017 Oct 15
Function 'factor' issues
...ecause it is unmatched to 'levels' argument or is in 'exclude') is absorbed into NA in "levels" attribute (comes from 'labels' argument), if any. The issue is that it happens only when 'labels' is specified.
Function 'factor' could use match(xlevs, nlevs)[f]. It doesn't match NA to NA level. When 'f' is long enough, longer than 'xlevs', it is faster than match(xlevs[f], nlevs).
Example 2:
levs <- c("A","A")? ,
factor(levs, levels=levs)
gives error, but
factor(levs, levels=levs, labels=levs)
2006 Jul 27
Any interest in "merge" and "by" implementations specifically for sorted data?
Hi Developers,
I am looking for another new project to help me get more up to speed
on R and to learn something outside of R internals. One recent R
issue I have run into is finding a fast implementations of the
equivalent to the following SAS code:
/* MDPC is an integer sort key made from two integer columns */
MDPC = (MD * 100000) + PCO;
/* sort the dataset by the key */
2009 Jan 09
recursive relevel
Dear list,
I'm having second thoughts after solving a very trivial problem: I
want to extend the relevel() function to reorder an arbitrary number
of levels of a factor in one go. I could not find a trivial way of
using the code obtained by getS3method("relevel","factor"). Instead, I
thought of solving the problem in a recursive manner (possibly after
2017 Oct 18
Function 'factor' issues
...noticed that also in
June, considered to change it and found that such a changed
factor() would be too different from what it has "always been".
So, yes, IIRC, this current behavior is on purpose, if only for back compatibility.
> Function 'factor' could use match(xlevs, nlevs)[f]. It doesn't match NA to NA level. When 'f' is long enough, longer than 'xlevs', it is faster than match(xlevs[f], nlevs).
> Example 2:
> With
> levs <- c("A","A")? ,
> factor(levs, levels=levs)
> gives error, but...
2003 Dec 17
Factor names & levels
When I alter the levels of a factor, why does it alter the names too?
f <- factor(c(A="one",B="two",C="one",D="one",E="three"),
-- gives [1] "A" "B" "C" "D" "E"
levels(f) <-
2002 May 17
Strange R CMD check \usage parse error
...parse(file, n, text, prompt) : parse error
Error in checkDocArgs(package = "Hmisc") :
cannot source usages in documentation object 'plsmo'
Execution halted
plsmo(x, y, method=c("lowess","supsmu","raw"), xlab, ylab,
add=F, lty=1:nlev, col=par("col"), lwd=par("lwd"),
iter=ifelse(length(unique(y))>2, 3, 0), bass=0, trim,
fun, group, prefix, xlim, ylim,
label.curves=T, datadensity=F, lines=T, ...)
xyplot(y ~ x | conditioningvars, groups,
panel=panel.plsmo, type='b',...
2009 Jun 16
confusion on levels() function, and how to assign a wanted order to factor levels, intentionally?
Dear R-helpers,
I want to make a series of boxplots on several numeric univariates with two
group variables (species and population, population nested in species, and
with population as the X-axis). In order to get a proper order of the
individual populations in X-axis, I need to assign a wanted order to the
factor (population). I used the levels() function to do this assignment, but
it seemed