Randy Zelick <zelickr <at> pdx.edu> writes:
> There is a switch to set the upper bound on rings (radial.lim) but I
> see a way to specify the lower bound. What I want is a "bullseye"
> that goes from my start value (first ring at 10) to my end value (last
> ring at 100) independent of the data range.
> Thanks!!
> =Randy>
I would suggest dumping radial.plot to a file and making
the following hacks:
- change the default value of radial.lim from NA to range(lengths)
- delete the second and third lines of code that set radial.lim to
max(lengths) if it is NA
- change grid.pos to be set to pretty(radial.lim)
this behavior seems more sensible to me -- if one wanted to
make it backward compatible one could hack it with something like
if (!missing(radial.lim) && length(radial.lim)==1) radial.lim <-
perhaps Jim Lemon will want to incorporate these changes
the following verbose diff file says the same thing.
*** 2,12 ****
label.prop = 1.1, main = "", xlab = "", ylab =
"", line.col = par("fg"),
mar = c(2, 2, 3, 2), show.grid = TRUE, grid.col = "gray",
grid.bg = par("bg"), point.symbols = NULL, point.col = NULL,
! show.centroid = FALSE, radial.lim = NA, ...)
length.dim <- dim(lengths)
- if (is.na(radial.lim))
- radial.lim <- max(lengths)
if (is.null(length.dim)) {
npoints <- length(lengths)
nsets <- 1
--- 2,10 ----
label.prop = 1.1, main = "", xlab = "", ylab =
"", line.col = par("fg"),
mar = c(2, 2, 3, 2), show.grid = TRUE, grid.col = "gray",
grid.bg = par("bg"), point.symbols = NULL, point.col = NULL,
! show.centroid = FALSE, radial.lim = range(lengths), ...)
length.dim <- dim(lengths)
if (is.null(length.dim)) {
npoints <- length(lengths)
nsets <- 1
*** 23,29 ****
radial.pos <- matrix(rep(radial.pos, nsets), nrow = nsets,
byrow = TRUE)
if (show.grid) {
! grid.pos <- pretty(c(lengths, radial.lim))
if (grid.pos[1] <= 0)
grid.pos <- grid.pos[-1]
maxlength <- max(grid.pos)
--- 21,27 ----
radial.pos <- matrix(rep(radial.pos, nsets), nrow = nsets,
byrow = TRUE)
if (show.grid) {
! grid.pos <- pretty(radial.lim)
if (grid.pos[1] <= 0)
grid.pos <- grid.pos[-1]
maxlength <- max(grid.pos)
*** 96,98 ****