Displaying 16 results from an estimated 16 matches for "npoints".
Did you mean:
2007 Oct 29
Changing size of lattice plot?
I am having a bit of difficulty with changing the canvas size on a
trellis/lattice plot. I am plotting two "cubes" of 3-dimensional random
numbers, as follows:
q <- qrng_alloc(type="sobol", 3)
npoints <- 200
rs <- qrng_get(q,npoints)
# Plot the normal variates in a 3-dim cube
p1 <- cloud(rnorm(npoints) ~ rnorm(npoints) + rnorm(npoints), xlab="x",
zlab="z", pch=21, main=paste(npoints,"3-Dimensional ~N(0,1)"))
p2 <- cloud(rs[,1] ~ rs[,...
2013 Apr 30
Trabajar con un argumento opcional como escalar o vector.
...pcional debería poder ser escalar o vector.
Necesito definir una función 'aplicaratodasfilas' que llama a otra función 'atomica' que no admite vectores y que requiere también argumentos opcionales.
Pongo un ejemplo:
# Se aplica a cada fila.
atomica <- function(xbegin, xend, npoints = 5, ...) { # los argumentos opcionales ... son necesarios ya que hay más funciones dentro
seq(xbegin,xend,length.out = npoints) # la función seq no admite vectores
aplicaratodaslasfilas <- function(data, ...) {
lapply(1:dim(data)[1], function(i,...) {
atomica(xbegin=data[i,1], xend=...
2010 Jan 21
about loops
Hello !
I have a quick question about loops.
For example, I have a 1 * 1 square and its inscribed circle tangent i, whose radius, of course, is also 1.
The loop here is as the following:
generate n points, say 5, in the square randomly repeatedly until we have five in total in the circle, then we stop, otherwise we continue.
I do not know how !
Help me Please ~
Thank you very much for
2005 May 16
Turnpoints (pastecs): How to specify a limit on the number of tur npoints?
I'm trying to get a few turnpoints for a financial time series. There is a
function in pastecs that does that. However, I get a large number of
dax <-EuStockMarkets[,1]
turnp <-turnpoints(dax)
summary(turnp) #gives 925 peaks/pits!!!
How can specify to get only 3...
2011 Dec 15
From Distance Matrix to 2D coordinates
Dear All,
I am struggling with the following problem: I am given a NxN symmetric
matrix P ( P[i,i]=0, i=1...N and P[i,j]>0 for i!=j) which stands for the
relative distances of N points.
I would like use it to get the coordinates of the N points in a 2D
plane. Of course, the solution is not unique (given one solution, I can
translate or rotate all the points by the same amount and generate
2002 Jun 19
drawing ellipses
Hello again,
First I want to thank all the people who answered my question about line
width in graphs. I promise I will learn the 'par' help page by heart for
the end of the month !
I now want to trace some ellipses to emphasize groups of data. I found how
to trace circles with 'symbols()', but no ellipse. I'm planning on writing
my own function based on
2004 Mar 19
How to do a truncated regression
...o y, etc.
There also may be other parameters I've not set correctly. The code
actually performs the regression is below:
"trunc <- survreg(Surv(c,yx[,2],event=rep(1,length(yx[,2]))) ~ yx[,1],
dist='gaussian', data=yxfr)" , where c is already defined as
c<-rep(200,npoints), where npoints is the number of (x,y) data pairs.
I should mention that I have R v1.8.1, and to perform these
calculations I've invoked librarys MASS and SURVIVAL. I have tried to
look this up in the manuals, but so far I've not found anything on
truncated regression.
If you could...
2006 May 19
trouble with plotrix package
Hello list,
I wrote a simple program to plot data on polar axes, taking advantage of
the plotrix package and its function radial.plot. The basic plot works
fine, but I am having difficulties with the formatting. There are three
problems, but I thought I would attack them one at a time. Here is the
If my data set contains values with all vector lengths between 0 and 100
(and various
2010 Nov 11
Evaluation puzzle
..."why" of
this has me baffled, however.
Here is a simple test case, using a very stripped down version of survexp:
survexp.test <- function(formula, data,
weights, subset, na.action, rmap,
times, cohort=TRUE, conditional=FALSE,
ratetable=survexp.us, scale=1, npoints, se.fit,
model=FALSE, x=FALSE, y=FALSE) {
call <- match.call()
m <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)
# keep the first element (the call), and the following selected arguments
m <- m[c(1, match(c('formula', 'data', 'weights', 'subset...
2011 Jan 11
modified FAST Script from package SensoMineR for the R community - Reg
###Dear R users
###I have been using SensoMineR package from CRAN for most of my work in
sensory data analysis and from my usage experience, I encountered some
areas for improvement and considered ###modifying the function in
SensoMineR package for my personal use. I felt that it could be useful to
share this to the community for enabling adoption by other users where
they might require a
2018 Nov 08
An update on the vctrs package
Kia Ora
> vec_size(data.frame(x = 1:10))
> #> [1] 10
> vec_size(array(dim = c(10, 4, 1)))
> #> [1] 10
I think that "length" (in the R way) or "size" should incorporate the
number of columns (or other dimension information).
How about:
> vec_npoints (x)
> vec_nrecords (x)
> vec_nobs (x)
Depending on whether you want to promote geometry, databases or statistics.
I like npoints because I like to be Geometry-Friendly :).
This next issue isn't probably the feedback you're looking for.
However, given that you brought it up...
2010 Jul 05
export VTK from R : impossible to write data as float
...vtk DataFile Version 3.0\n',file="vtk_header")
cat('R Binary Export v3.0 of inversion model\nBINARY\n',file="vtk_header",
cat('DATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID\n',file="vtk_header", append=TRUE)
#placed here instead of top of vtk_points, since npoints is not known before
cat('POINTS', 8,'int\n',file="vtk_header",append=TRUE)
#write points
writeBin(as.integer(c(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1,
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)),bfile_points,endian="swap")
#cells header
cat('\nCELLS', 1,9,'\n&...
2012 Sep 03
adding points to a point pattern
Hello all:
Is there any way to add points to a point pattern, while keeping a given
minimum distance amongst this new points and the pre-existing points?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 May 17
gsub() issue...
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?...
Nom : non disponible
URL : <https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20110517/1812d6c6/attachment.pl>
2011 May 20
[Bug 37398] New: some applications (like wine) crash nouveau and leave it in an unworkable state
Summary: some applications (like wine) crash nouveau and leave
it in an unworkable state
Product: xorg
Version: unspecified
Platform: x86-64 (AMD64)
OS/Version: Linux (All)
Status: NEW
Severity: major
Priority: medium
2019 Oct 15
Splitting the large libguestfs repo
I got a little way into this. The two attached patches are
preliminary work.
My proposed split is:
common -> git submodule libguestfs-common.git
all language bindings
C based tools (eg. virt-df, virt-edit, guestfish)
common -> git submodule libguestfs-common.git