Joshua B Robins wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to figure out how to run the stepAIC function starting with
> NULL model. I can call the null model (e.g., lm(y ~ NULL)), but using
> this object in stepAIC doesn't seem to work.
I don't know what "doesn't seem to work" means here, but your
model is equivalent to lm(y ~ 1) and stepAIC handles both just fine
for me. Did you specify 'scope' with an 'upper' component?
Peter Ehlers
> The objective is to calculate AICc. This can be done if stepAIC can be
> run starting with the NULL model; the (2p(p-1)/(n-p-1))to get AICc would
> be added to the final step AIC value. Can anyone suggest how to run
> stepAIC beginning with the NULL model, and sequentially adding and
> removing variables (essentially a bottom-up approach)?
> Thanks,
> Josh Robins
> School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences
> University of Alaska Fairbanks
> Juneau Center
> (206) 331-8633
> j.robins at
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