Hey, all, I'm trying to construct a centroid plot using canonical values from a MANOVA. I know that from the summary.manova object you can get Eigenvalues, and the H and E matrices (from SS$Treatment and SS$Residuals), but I am at a loss to get the loadings for the canonical values, nor values for the centroid centers and radii. Is there a package that does this that I am just missing, or any helpful code out there that I have been unable to locate? Thanks so much! -Jarrett p.s. There are a bunch of ecologists and evolutionary biologists here at Davis who, as a group, have just taken it upon themselves to learn R, and it's going swimmingly so far! ---------------------------------------- Jarrett Byrnes Population Biology Graduate Group, UC Davis Bodega Marine Lab 707-875-1969 http://www-eve.ucdavis.edu/stachowicz/byrnes.shtml