Displaying 20 results from an estimated 176 matches for "centroids".
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2008 Aug 19
spatial probit/logit for prediction
Hello all,
I am wondering if there is a way to do a spatial error probit/logit model in R? I can't seem to find it in any of the packages. I can do it in MATLAB with Gibbs sampling, but would like to confirm the results. Ideally I would like to use this model to predict probability of parcel conversion in a future time period. This seems especially difficult in a binary outcome model
2006 May 08
finding centroids of clusters created with hclust
Can someone point me to documentation or ideas on how to calculate the
centroids of clusters identified with hclust ?
I would like to be able to chose the number of clusters (in the style of
cutree) and then get the centroids of these clusters.
This seems like a quite obvious task to me, but I haven't been able to
put my hands on a relevant command.
Thank you,
2006 Mar 25
pairwise combinatons of variables
...is my
complete approach:
mat <- matrix( c(6,7,8,2,3,4,12,14,14, 14,15,13,3,1,2,3,4,2,
15,3,10,5,11,7,13,6,1, 15,4,10,6,12,8,12,7,1), ncol=9, byrow=T )
rownames(mat) <- paste("v", 1:4, sep="" )
tmat <- t(mat)
cluster <- c(1, 2, 1, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2)
centroids <- matrix( 0, ncol=3, nrow=4 )
obj <- vector(mode="list", length=3)
for (j in 1:4){
for (i in 1:3){
where <- which(cluster==i) # which obj is in which class?
centroids[j,i] <- mean( tmat[ where,j ] )
obj[[i]] <- tmat[where,]
colnames(centroids) <- paste( c(&q...
2008 Jul 03
Otpmial initial centroid in kmeans
Helo there. I am using kmeans of base package to cluster my customers. As
the results of kmeans is dependent on the initial centroid, may I know:
1) how can we specify the centroid in the R function? (I don't want random
starting pt)
2) how to determine the optimal (if not, a good) centroid to start with? (I
am not after the fixed seed solution as it only ensure that the
2009 Dec 10
question about centroid-linkage (cluster analysis)
Dear R community,
I would be greatful if somebody could shed light on the following.
I have created a set of 6 points to check how centroid
agglomeration works in cluster analysis:
> Y <- data.frame(x=c(-1,1,1,-1,10,12),y=c(1,1,-1,-1,0,0))
It is quite intuitive to understand that the last clusters to be joined will be
{1,2,3,4} with {5,6}. Now, the centroid for the first cluster has
2004 Jul 13
Calculating sum of squares deviation between 2 similar matrices
Hi all,
I've got clusters and would like to match individual records to each
cluster based on a sum of squares deviation. For each cluster and
individual, I've got 50 variables to use (measured in the same way).
Matrix 1 is individuals and is 25000x50. Matrix 2 is the cluster
centroids and is 100x50. The same variables are found in each matrix
in the same order. I'd like to calculate the 'distance' of matrix 1 to
matrix 2 and get a ranking of matrix 2's distances (and row
IDs 1 to 100) sorted by distance.
I tried using the RDIST and DIST functions but they hav...
2009 Feb 05
Does the "labpt" object in the Polygons-class represent the centroid of the polygon
I need to calculate the centroids of some spatial polygons that I have
placed into a Polygons-class object. Is the labeling point in the
Polygons-class the centroid of the polygon?
Thank you for your help.
2012 Nov 18
centroid of hclust
Dear UseRs,i want to find centroid of clusters, which i generated by hclust. Is there a way doing that? i took mean to elements in each cluster to get centroid but i am not sure if i am right?
thanks in advanceeliza
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2008 Feb 04
how to get points from SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
Um texto embutido e sem conjunto de caracteres especificado associado...
Nome: n?o dispon?vel
Url: https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/attachments/20080203/5ea1e3ad/attachment.pl
2008 Jun 02
LDA and centroids
I have carried out an lda analysis using the lda function of MASS
package. I have plotted the LD1xLD2 to represent the data. Now I would
like to get the centroids for each group of data and plot it on the
LD1xLD2 graph. How can I get the centroid value from the lda object?
Daniel Valverde Saub?
Grup de Biologia Molecular de Llevats
Facultat de Veterin?ria de la Universitat Aut?noma de Barcelona
Edifici V, Campus UAB
08193 Cerdanyola del Va...
2011 Apr 27
centroid representation and MANOVA
hi all.
I have a matrix of data with 5 different groups and 20 individual
response per group, and about 12 variables collected for each. I want to
represent the result in a 2D plot. PCA is not so good because the
difference between the groups is not obvious. I have seen, in a recent
paper, people doing a MANOVA and representing it in a centroid plot
(they used Matlab to do it).
I would like
2012 Jul 04
Error in hclust?
...rent distances for
latter stages:
0.5 => merging 3 and 6 => G1
0.6 => merging 1 and 5 => G2
0.7 => merging 2 and 4 => G3
*1.25 => merging G1 and G2 => G4
1.92 => merging G3 and G4*
It seems that hclust is not correctly computing the group centroids. Is it
Best regards,
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2012 Oct 21
Linear discriminant function analysis based median as group centroid and nonparametric scale estimators???
Dear All,
I am using a specific approach for my master thesis. In essence, a
supervised reclassification is used as an intermediate step to find chemical
parameters which are able to reclassify defined groups. These variables will
be used in a next step where location and scale estimators of the groups are
important. Traditionally linear discriminant analysis is used for
reclassification which
2016 Jul 26
K MEANS clustering
...an distances. I had
implemented a K-Medioids algorithm using PAM just to try it out, after
modifying the API for whatever more was required, and that seems fine,
since we are dealing with document vectors and not arbitrary vectors. But
with KMeans, I am not able to figure out how to represent these centroids
during each iteration when the average of a cluster is to be computed.
So my confusion is, how could i represent an arbitrary sparse vector to be
used as the centroid in k means?
Can anyone please guide me on this?
Will using boost C++ be a solution?
-------------- next part --------------...
2016 Mar 12
GSOC-2016 Project : Clustering of search results
...o predict a useful value
for any of them?
> For implementing this, we will find the TermLists for every document and
> then pass this in a TermListGroup along with the docids to a function for
> the initialization step of the algorithm. In this step, we can create a
> vector of K-means centroids and every particle can contain a vector of
> cluster centers used by PSO.
You mean that you're using the term lists of each document to generate
the particle's position vector in a term-based feature space? (The
initial centroids for K means and the particle cluster centers are all
2013 Jan 01
translate grouped data to their centroid
Given a data set with a group factor, I want to translate the numeric
variables to their
centroid, by subtracting out the group means (adding back the grand means).
The following gives what I want, but there must be an easier way using
sweep or
apply or some such.
iris2 <- iris[,c(1,2,5)]
means <- colMeans(iris2[,1:2])
pooled <- lm(cbind(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width) ~ Species,
2001 Nov 19
Hi list!
I'm computing multivar. distances from a set of centroids
to a (large) set of individuals. I'm now just using rbind
to create a matrix (x) with the centroid and the individuals,
then run as.matrix(dist(x)) and finally select the appropriate columns,
as I'm not interested on the distances among individuals.
Therefore, this procedure implies a waste...
2005 Jul 26
Hierarchical clustering with centroid method
Dear everybody!
In the function hclust, at each stage distances between clusters are recomputed by the Lance-Williams dissimilarity update formula according to the
particular clustering method being used.
Using "centroid" method, Lance-Williams recurrence formula works properly only for euclidean distance.
How is it possible to use properly centroid method with manhattan distance ?
2006 Feb 28
Canonical Values and Centroids for MANOVA plots
Hey, all, I'm trying to construct a centroid plot using canonical
values from a MANOVA. I know that from the summary.manova object you
can get Eigenvalues, and the H and E matrices (from SS$Treatment and
SS$Residuals), but I am at a loss to get the loadings for the canonical
values, nor values for the centroid centers and radii. Is there a
package that does this that I am just missing,
2003 Sep 16
hclust: median, centroid (PR#4195)
There seems to be a bug in hclust (package mva) for clustering
methods 'median' and 'centroid'.
I have written a clustering program in C and discovered that the
results for 'median' differ from those of hclust in R. I used a
third program, written by someone else in Pascal, and that
program agrees with the output of my program.
I found yet another clustering program that