Hi all, I am trying to produce a series of plots showing the prevalence of a condition, which is subject to censoring. In most cases the condition is temporary and resolves with time. I would like to use the method of Pepe et al Stat Med 1991; 413-421 - essentially the prevalence is the Kaplan-Meier prob[having the condition at time t] - KM prob[recovery by time t] (also divided by 1-KM[death by t], although death is not an issue with this data). I can easily produce the relevant actuarial data for either the condition or recovery using survfit(eg survfit_cond$time , survfit_cond$surv, survfit_rec$time, survfit_rec$surv). I then have to calculate (survfit_cond$surv-survfit_rec$surv) at each event time point. Can anyone help me with an easy method to implement this? Or suggest an easier method? I cant find a similar method after searching the contributed packages (it doesn't appear to fit a recurrent events problem). I have code for manual KM calculations, but the only method my basic programming skills come up with seems tedious. Thanks in advance _____________________________ Dr. Scott Williams Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre Melbourne, Australia