Hi all,
I am using a 'tricked' Cox Hazard regression model for discrete choice
habitat modelling.
However, I'm having a hard time understanding the meaning of the first
line the following part of the summary() output:
Rsquare= 0.307 (max possible= 0.475 )
Likelihood ratio test= 91.8 on 12 df, p=2.23e-14
Wald test = 26.3 on 12 df, p=0.00977
Score (logrank) test = 58.6 on 12 df, p=4.03e-08
Does anyone know how I can read the 'max possible' R-square? What does
it signify?
Is it some kind of quasi-correlation; in which case I read it that I
have explained 65% (i.e., 0.307/0.475) of the variation?
I hope someone can help on this.
Thanks in advance,
Cheers Roel
Roel May
Norwegian Wolverine Project
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA)
Tungasletta 2, N-7485 Trondheim, Norway
Tlf. +47 73 80 14 65, Mob. +47 95 78 59 95
Email roel.may@nina.no <mailto:roel.may@nina.no>
Internett www.nina.no <http://www.nina.no/> , www.jerv.info
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