Dear all,
I am a beginner with lpSolve package (and not an expert in the others).
I can not understand why I am doing wrong, and I would be very grateful if
anyone could please help me on this.
I am trying to optimize ("min") the sum of columns/variables,
constrained to>=1. Each column/variables has its weight - given by values at f.obj.
The matrix for numeric constraint coefficients is given by "DadosM"
(from my
Dados file).
Here is what I have done:
ad=T)> DadosM=as.matrix(Dados)
> f.obj<-c(1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,6,6,6,6,8,8,8)
> f.dir<-array(c(">="),dim=c(1,379))
> f.rhs<-array(1,dim=c(1,23))
> lp ("min", f.obj, DadosM, f.dir, f.rhs, transpose.constraints =
presolve=0, compute.sens=0)
Error: no feasible solution found
Mensagem de aviso: number of columns of result not a multiple of vector
length (arg 2) in: rbind(const.mat, const.dir.num, const.rhs)
I imagine that there are some arguments I am not defining properly. Is it?
Which one(s)? I really could not understand more than this from the help
Hope you have some time to help me on this.
Thank you in advance.
Sara Mouro
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